Well the colourful lights of the Christmas season are all put away now down in the basement...but not to be outdone for colour in these dismal weeks--we took a drive out into the countryside and came back home with the first tulips of the season: We got these before the sixth so that there can be a carry-over of colour. We got 30 tulpies for five euro's. The other batch went to my old bee mentor and his Bride.
Thanks lass, That place on the breakfast bar is where we put them in the vase...the Bride said that it looked so good there that we ought to leave them there. So we did. I think that these early tulips came out of a glass house.
Thank you, Island. I do too. I really get the feeling that spring is just around the corner when the tulips go on sale here.
Here you can tell when Christmas ends and Spring is about to start as the Primroses arrive - and they have arrived! Bucket loads of them in the stores. Granted I'm sure they're all hot house grown as you can't plant them outside (and expect they'll live) but they're all definitely light, bright, cheery and perky and a symbol of Spring.
I bought a number of primroses one year and planted them in front of our feet when I am sitting in front of the garden house. Those things have come up every year since then. I am amazed. I do know that there are at least two types of primrose that can stand frozen ground.