I'm Desperate!!!

Discussion in 'Herb Gardening' started by KK Ng, Jun 24, 2020.

  1. KK Ng

    KK Ng Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2009
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    Malacca, Malaysia.
    Yes I am desperate in propagating my sage plant. I have no idea why my herbs thyme, rosemary and sage is getting extremely difficult to propagate. For thyme and rosemary I can still get them to root in water and successfully grow them to maturity. A plant usually last me about a year at the most and I usually propagate new plants when I see the old plants are not quite happy.

    In the past it was as easy as ABC, just get some cutting and viola!!! new plants in just a month or so. But nowadays maybe after 3 attempts if lucky. But for sage this time the first success was after 5 times, meaning I have to take cutting five times from the donor before I can get one that will root. Each time I take about 5 cuttings.

    After transplanting the cutting with the roots it grew and looks very happy until a nesting bird came and peck it off as material for her nest. The shock was too much for the young plant and that was the end of it.

    Since then I had tried many times and all sorts of method and have not got any success.
    cutting in water - nothing happen :(

    cutting directly in the pot, big pot, medium pot and small pot - nothing happened :(

    Air layering directly on plant - Yes I am desperate!!!
    Cayuga Morning likes this.
  2. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    KK, with your green thumb, I'm dumbfounded that you are having trouble rooting cuttings! The only thing I can suggest is rooting in potting soil, or perlite, or a vermiculite/perlite 50/50 mix. The medium is kept damp but not wet, and in a bright spot out of direct sunlight. I root herb cuttings in the 50/50 mix, and usually have about 80% success.
    Good luck!
    Cayuga Morning likes this.
  3. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    I always use a rooting hormone on any plant cuttings. that said I have heard you can use honey to help stimulate roots if you don't have the hormone. I do not root anything directly in water except for sweetpotato slips. they root quite easily. I use a heating pad and soiless sterile mix to propagate cuttings. but please check that sage with cupped leaves. quite often that is an indicator of aphids.
  4. Jerry Sullivan

    Jerry Sullivan Garden Experimenter Plants Contributor

    Nov 10, 2010
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    Chelmsford MA
    Consistency is usually the key to replication of a procedure. It would appear that something , not obvious, has changed. As a test try to control as many variables as possible. I.E. sterilize rooting containers, use only one source of water. Bottled water? Netting to keep the birds out. Sterilize the tool used to take cuttings. Root something you may not need just as a test. Keep a logbook.

    There are so many variables but control as much as you can to get back to ‘normal’ Please let us know of your progress.

    Good luck KK, you can do it!!


  5. mart

    mart Strong Ash

    Mar 31, 2010
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    NE Texas
    KK,, Like was said,, use a rooting hormone if you can get it ! Otherwise if you have any kind of willow you can take cuttings and let them sit in the water a few days ! Willow produces the same hormone that you buy ! Just put your cuttings in water with one or two willow sprigs !
    Cayuga Morning likes this.
  6. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    KK, if rooting hormone is not available, you can use aspirin. Crush one 325 mg. regular strength aspirin tablet in one gallon of warm water, and use this water to dampen the rooting medium. I used this once when given a huge bunch of fig cuttings, and I had no rooting hormone on hand. It worked, but figs are pretty easily rooted.
    If you are desperate, give it a try!
    Cayuga Morning likes this.
  7. mart

    mart Strong Ash

    Mar 31, 2010
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    NE Texas
    I have heard of aspirin used to keep fresh cut flowers longer ! They say it helps them take up water !
    Cayuga Morning likes this.
  8. KK Ng

    KK Ng Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2009
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    Malacca, Malaysia.
    Thank you all for your tips and suggestions :) Sorry I forgot to mentioned that this problem has been on going for more than 5 years.

    Thanks Marlingardener about the potting soil mix it did not work for me, have tried all sorts and it did not work.
    I have tried using honey and nothing happened. Then I decided on the rooting hormone which I paid a small fortune to me that is and nothing happened either :mad:. I think that it could be fake as that was the only brand. I tried it on other cuttings with controlled ones meaning same type of plants, a few without treatment and some with hormone treatment and the results were the same.
    Aspirins ... hmmm haven't tried that. OK I'll give it a try if I can get my hands on it. Right now we still have restrictions when we go out because there are new daily cases. I kept my going out to a minimal like only once a month if possible. I'll always have a shower immediately to decontaminate when I get back.

    Thanks Carolyn yes tried rooting hormone but nothing happened ... maybe there are more brands now and the price is more affordable too! OK I'll check on this :) I have checked the cupping leaves and there were no pests just a sign that it is saying bye bye :(
    Soilless sterile mix, sound interesting I'll look into that :)

    Thanks Jerry I agree with you a 100% on being consistent and I have been cracking my head what have changed and the only thing is that I moved house. In the old place right in front of the mini farm is the main road and the traffic is really heavy so lots of carbon monoxide and now in front of the mini farm is a primary forest. So this is a big change but then again ......
    Tried sterilising the tools before but no success.
    Keep a log book? I have done that several time and I always forget to make entries :)

    Thanks Mart but there is no any kind of willow tree here anyway I'll keep an eye out.
    I'll try the rooting hormone if I can find another brand and the price permit, will try aspirin too if available :)

    Looks like I'll be busy for awhile, thanks for your tips and suggestion. :fingerscrossed:

    Incidentally I have no problems with my other plants like dill, basil, sweet potatoes, pandan, lemon grass and pineapple :)
    Cayuga Morning likes this.
  9. mart

    mart Strong Ash

    Mar 31, 2010
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    NE Texas
    Just curious but where are you taking the cuttings from ! Is it just not rooting or does it set roots then die ? Mine grew and spread pretty well ! The new growth is what you need to use to root a new plant !
  10. KK Ng

    KK Ng Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2009
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    Malacca, Malaysia.
    Mart, I got the cuttings from the new growth and very rarely one or two would set roots. They die usually after I transplant them. About a month ago I got one going but the birds kill it :mad:. Anyway this morning when I changed the water of the existing cutting to prevent mosquito breeding I noticed one of it had a very tiny root coming out :) :fingerscrossed:
  11. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    KK, if you are worried about mosquitoes, just put a couple of drops of vegetable oil on top of the cutting's water. The oil prevents eggs hatching. Believe me, living in Texas has taught me so much about those darned mosquitoes and their habits!
    Anyway, you won't have to change the water and disturb any emerging roots.
  12. mart

    mart Strong Ash

    Mar 31, 2010
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    NE Texas
    You do not have chlorinated water KK ?? Two or three drops of bleach will do the same and will not hurt the plants !
  13. KK Ng

    KK Ng Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2009
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    Malacca, Malaysia.
    Mart we do have chlorinated water but after a day or so the chlorine is gone. Thanks for the bleach tip.

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