Stolen Bicycle, a Sting Operation

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by Cayuga Morning, Sep 3, 2020.

  1. Cayuga Morning

    Cayuga Morning Strong Ash Plants Contributor

    Jun 15, 2011
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    New England
    Our daughter lost her bike from the rack on the back of her car. She'd parked the car at her apartment complex, knew she should lug the bike up the three fights of stairs to her apartment. But it was late and she was tired. So she didn't.

    The next morning the bike was gone.

    She called the cops and they told her to watch the resale websites to see if she could identify her bike. In addition to Craig's list, they told her about 2 other sites that typically have stolen goods on them. These sites do not require id the way Craig's list does.

    So she did. And lo and behold, she found her bike. It even still had the bike lock on it. And she had the only key.

    She arranged her own sting:. She Facebook stalked the seller (it was a two woman operation), found them on LinkedIn, etc. Discovered one had worked at a Denny's but was furloughed. She found out where they lived. They'd been evicted with covid but we're now engaged in selling stolen bikes. She contacted the cops and they knew about the two. Multiple arrests for stolen goods. They were homeless, living in a long stay hotel.

    So she posed as a buyer, secured a meet date and arranged to go with a cop (thank God for that...I was worried about this sting. People can get shot doing this.)

    The cop was a big burly guy, in full uniform. Our daughter was convinced the girl would just cycle away at the sight of him. Especially since he'd arrested her before. But, he was prepared, he put
    ona large overshirt, and hid on the bushes.

    As soon as the girl cycled up, our daughter pretended to look over the bike, while keeping her hands FIRMLY on it. The cop jumped out, the girl jumped and uttered "EEP"!! And turned to our daughter, saying " He's going to arrest me!!!!". Our daughter retorted "You stole my bike!!"

    Our daughter felt badly about the two women but not badly enough not to reclaim her bike. She has donated the sale price to an agency working with homeless young people.

    She is very proud of herself. But now uses a bike lock and watches her bike like a hawk.

    Jewell, Sjoerd, Clay_22 and 3 others like this.
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  3. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Super great story...and a great result.
    It is always good to see criminals caught.
    It is good to see that she is taking more precautions now. In my country stealing bikes is just part of what happens every day, People steal them just to ride home or to a pub. They ditch the bike a ways from their goal and walk the remaining meters. The people who steal bikes here are "opportunity thieves", I guess you'd call them--they do not take the trouble to break locks or so...they just look for unlocked bikes. I am always amazed how many people leave their bikes unlocked, knowing how it is here.
    Anyway- congrats to your daughter. Chapeau.

    The Bride liked your post as well--she said that it is something that one would dream of. chuckle.
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2020
    Odif and Cayuga Morning like this.
  4. mart

    mart Strong Ash

    Mar 31, 2010
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    NE Texas
    Wow !! Great result ! Here in Texas people do not take kindly to thieves ! You can get your aXX shot off ! And I do mean the thieves !
    S-H likes this.
  5. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    Over here in my country, specially in the urban areas - Police and the criminals are always like a hand and and glove, (believe it or not)...

    If any thief from outside came in the area, our local police will waste no time in making an unbelievably horrible example out of him!

    But thieves already in the area have an understanding with the local police station. As majority of them (thieves) are actually blood relatives of the cops on duty... Or off duty cops themselves.

    however here is the most funny part - Anyone over here who owns a firearm, has to get his or her gun license stamped and registered by the local police station, within the first 3 months of purchasing the weapon, (it's the law). It's a one time thing, after which nobody from the authorities bothers you again. You just keep paying the renewal free for the license ever year to the government. So no other action is required on your part.

    But amazingly, all thieves now stay well clear of you, your family, your home, and your car, (after you get your firearm licenses registered)... They simply move on to easier and softer targets of opportunity. And yes, believe it or not, but they are extremely well organized, they often know EVERYTHING about you before they come to steal anything.

    Which I guess explains why random acts of thievery are extremely rare, (unless it's something like a very costly smartphone). Otherwise everything thieves do here is very well planned in advance. That's why they won't bother going after small stuff like bicycles.

    Yes it's true, our cops are either criminals in uniform. Or ultra incompetent at best - Here is a video which went viral a while ago, of a cop dancing with a prostitute who he had arrested. Apparently he (the cop) later gave his smartphone to a cellphone repair shop. So that's how the video leaked...

    Just shows what cops over here are really like.

    :snicker: :rofl::smt044

    So I'm really glad your cop was at least helpful, and performed his duty properly - Indeed a very good story, with a positive ending.

    Last edited: Sep 4, 2020
    Cayuga Morning and Odif like this.

  6. Cayuga Morning

    Cayuga Morning Strong Ash Plants Contributor

    Jun 15, 2011
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    New England
    Oh boy S-H. Yes, there is a bit of that over here: some policemen could either have become a criminal or a cop...with a few of them it is a fine line. But the kind of corruption you speak of is awful. No wonder people get guns where you live.

    So do you know what happened to that ridiculous cop dancing with the prostitute? But wait, how do you know she was a prostitute?
    S-H and Sjoerd like this.
  7. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    Not sure about the entire story, but this video became viral in a very big way. There were many stories and counter stories about it everywhere. Same claimed that they were actors just practicing for a comedy play. But if that was true, then where is that comedy show now?

    While other reports said that this cop first got immediately suspended, and soon was fired from his job. So I myself don't know what to believe. But after witnessing a lifetime of bad policing, there is no doubt in my mind that this video was real. Even if fake, real cops aren't any better...

    And how do I know if that woman was a prostitute? She could be his girlfriend perhaps? Well, only type of a girlfriend a cop over here will ever have - Will be nothing short of a prostitute!


    And as for owning guns, (basically any type of weapon with a lethal capability) - Isn't because of this fact. It's actually a part of culture, tradition, and religion too. As it's considered to be a sin if one is defenseless. So even if the police did it's job, nobody will agree to a universal disarmament.

    I guess this video above might explain why the police over here is often the butt of all jokes. As they aren't really needed for much, (as we have traditionally known how to take care of everything by ourselves, without anyone's help from anywhere else)...

    It's actually not a uncommon sight at all, to see cops getting beaten up left right and center. At which everybody around only laughs.

    We really have zero respect for the police, as they are always ultra incompetent to the core... Our military on the other hand, now that's an extremely professional organization as well as an institute - One which commands a lot of respect, (which even the president and the prime minister of the our country often have reasons to fear)...

    But our police is a never ending joke, (see link below)! :snicker:
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2020
    Pacnorwest likes this.
  8. AlexFinn

    AlexFinn New Seed

    Feb 20, 2023
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    Your daughter's bravery and quick thinking are truly commendable. Kudos to her for handling the situation so well, especially with the potential risks involved.
    Pacnorwest likes this.
  9. KarenCornish

    KarenCornish New Seed

    Jun 30, 2023
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    It's incredible how she managed to track down her stolen bike and organize a sting operation with the help of the police. It's heartwarming to hear that she chose to donate the sale price to help homeless young people. If she ever needs it, there are professionals like Longmont bicycle accident lawyers who could offer support and guidance in legal matters related to bike safety. Hopefully, she won't have to go through anything like this again, but it's great that she's taking extra precautions now.
    Last edited: May 7, 2024
    Pacnorwest likes this.

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