What has the year 2020 taught you?

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by S-H, Dec 1, 2020.

  1. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    You guys really aren't joking? People have now literally forgotten how to cook? Honestly?

    The perception over here in my country is that outside food isn't good for you. As you never really know what quality of ingredients they used. And who knows how many times they have reused their cooking oil.

    They are obviously providing food to everyone commercially. So why would they use top quality ingredients and minimize their own profits? I mean it's an obvious no-brainer. So why would anyone put their own safety and health at such risk?

    Also, cooking your own food, above all else - Is ultra CHEAP!!!

    Therefore the average person over here only goes out to eat in like, maybe once in week to 10 days. OK, sometimes twice a week perhaps, but now it's really bordering on excessive, seriously.

    If other people over here find out that you are only surviving on outside food. They will laugh at you, and assume that something is seriously wrong with you in the head...


    Editing this post just to say, that I don't know why, but I'm really missing our Captain Kirk right now... I know he isn't with us anymore. But if he was, he sure would have had very interesting things to say on this subject!

    Last edited: Dec 7, 2020
    Cayuga Morning and carolyn like this.
  2. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Sh... Honestly..... Yep people over here think a drive thru is food. How do I explain??? It's not just the convenience of options but there really are people who don't want their kitchens messed up is the only thing I can figure out. They don't practice, don't use raw ingredients and have no idea what to put together to make a meal. I would doubt one in 100 people would know how to make a loaf of bread or a meal from scratch ingredients.you would probably not believe the choices of pre made frozen foods just heat and eat... Available for consumption... And it's not in the least bit healthy. I could write you a book.
    Cayuga Morning and S-H like this.
  3. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    Yes I can imagine, we too have a lot of choices here, regarding premade frozen food - It's something I would eat ONLY if I was alone and not feeling well enough to cook. Or if I was constantly on the move, like duriy shifting from one house to another, (which for me hasn't happened in decades).

    If however I had guests, then sure, I would take them out to a nice and clean restaurant with a good reputation. Otherwise make something special for them myself.

    I do like BBQ a lot. So for that I do go outside occasionally. But only because I am too lazy to fire up my own grill, and the thought of cleaning it up afterwards also puts me off. But this is mostly because of the hot weather - So that's the only reason why I go out to eat, (mostly takeaway). However here too, maybe 4 to 5 times in a month only. And that too from places with a good reputation. Like one friend of my sister just recently opened up her own place. So whatever she makes, I can trust completely. As I know that this lady will NEVER try to cheat anyone. She uses pure ingredients, fresh as well, because she takes pride in her work. Which I guess explains why her burgers are the best in the city!


    So nowadays I mostly order from her outlet. While all others, I see with suspicion. Because I can never know what they might have put in their final products - I mean it will be eaten by me, right? So shouldn't I be concerned? Or is it exceptable to put blind trust in strangers?

    What if you get food poisoning? Who would be held responsible? You now want to fight Court cases for years asking to be compensated for your suffering? Or isn't it better to simply not take the chance?

    I remember a place from my early childhood which was my mother's favorite. All the waiters over here knew us very well, they were always friendly and joking in a light-headed fashion, (I'm talking about the very early 1980s) - Why was this so? And why aren't such places seem today, where trust between customers and producers is established to such a level?

    They had a huge picture window between the seating area, then their kitchen. And so from almost every chair, one could easily see everything happening in their kitchen.

    I guess that established trust, which went both ways. Perhaps that is why nobody ever got sick from eating at that place... However nowadays, you are forbidden from even knowing where the kitchen of any restaurant is. Why is that???

    I suppose that is why things like these happen, (see link below).

    Last edited: Dec 7, 2020
  4. Jewell

    Jewell Incorrigible Gardener Plants Contributor

    Dec 17, 2008
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    Puget Sound Region of the Pacific NW,Zone7b
    Eat desert first, ignore the clock no matter the time of day, listen to your instincts. Zoom visits are often better than in person get togethers. Those are the things I have learned...don’t know if it was 2020 or the fact that I have settled into retirement.
    carolyn, S-H and Cayuga Morning like this.

  5. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    I also have learned my life hasn't really changed. I wasn't dependent on a grocery store for weekly shopping events, I am not dependent on entertainment to occupy me, I am not interested in just wasting time doing nothing because everyone else seems to be unable to figure out how to change the "have nothing to do" phase of life and I survived being sick I suspect with the covid and don't give a flip about the masks. you all do whatever makes you happy and comfortable. I suspect I must have the "survival genes" and attitude that must come with them handed down by my ancestors who braved coming to a new world hundreds of years ago...
    Islandlife and S-H like this.
  6. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    That's one of the most sensible answers I have received here up till now.

    Thanks for sharing! :cool:
    Unfortunately, I can press the Like button only once... :shrug:

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