Last year I bought seeds from Baker Creek called Model Melon. It seems to broad name by my search. It had the honeydew flesh color but a slight canteloupe flavor. Had good success and the kids loved it. This year the seeds are not on the site.Trouble finding them maybe it goes by another name ? Have some left from last year. Any suggestions where to find them ? Or am better off harvesting the seeds from what I get this year. Thanks
a lot of baker creek if not all is open pollinated. save your seeds, but keep only the seeds from the nicest fruit. whether it is color, flavor or appearance to you. you choose.
I agree,, save seed ! Only reference I have found was on Pinterest which tells you nothing ! Just do a google search !
I have had great luck with cantaloupe where I currently live in Charlotte NC. Honey Rock is my favorite of the last 4 years compared to over 10 other kinds of cantaloupe. In 2023 I tried several green melons for the first time including Sakura Sweet which thrived but I did not like at all, Kajari (which grew well but the fruits did not mature across several plants) and Model, the green polish melon with seeds I bought from Baker Creek in 2023. I planted 4 seeds and got one plant, from which I got 2 melons. I LOVED them. Loved the texture and the flavor. I did not have a garden this year because of travel and uncertainty, now with an impending move across country I will not have one here. I am hoping to grow Model melons in California once I get there using seeds I have leftover from the 2023 purchase. I have about 20 seeds left. I have looked online several times and can't find them available this year to buy fresh so they are a valuable commodity to me, but I am uncertain they will do well where I'm moving which is not nearly as hot and humid as Charlotte is. With that said, I would be happy to split my remaining seeds with you since you obviously were also enthusiastic about the uncommon, special product of the plant. I found your post when searching for seeds again just now. I signed up to so I could reply. I'm not sure what features they offer for us to interact, but if you'll email me your address at I will put some seeds in the mail to you and hope they are still viable. I have had them stored in a dry dark place. I am hopeful they will still work. - Nelson