I am realising, looking at the fault on the camera lens, with the diagonal line, that is an Old Kodak Camera and would be the late 70's maybe early 80's, that was a shock...not a few years ago but yonks ago....
Yes, it is a very mainly a mountainous region between France and Spain and is quite wild apart from the tourist area that is heaving with duty free shops. The Spanish would make the trip there mainly for Olive Oil, Dairy Products and Tobacco but plenty of other goods as everything was duty free...French the same really. put this link for anybody wishing to know an overall feel of Andorra... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geography_of_Andorra#:~:text=With an area of 468,1,996 metres (6,549 ft).
Andorra is not far as far as the crow flies. There is just a huge ridge between us. I have been there a couple of times. It is normally greener there.
Do you know if the wild horse are still there @Odif The terrain is very varied so lots of skiing and snow sports then tourists looking for a bargain of duty free goods..tourist that want to go up into the wild terrain and go climbing...or just pass through to Spain which we did for many years. Now instead of climbing up and up with the roads being in circles almost there are more and more tunnels since we have visited last so guessing the time travelling is far less these days. I can re-call in the 80's when on the Spanish side of Andorra the new roads were slowing being built instead of the dirt tracks with falling boulders and cracks in the concrete as wide as a tyre.. it was like crossing a war zone for a year or two...When you down in the town being so low lying and the mountains so steep one minute you have the Sunshine and the next your truly in the shade and cold.....Will go back there one day I hope... feel maybe you need a french translation no problem if you do not... Savez-vous si les chevaux sauvages sont toujours là @Odif Le terrain est très varié donc beaucoup de ski et de sports de neige puis des touristes à la recherche de bonnes affaires en duty free..touriste qui veut monter en terrain sauvage et faire de l'escalade. ..ou simplement passer par l'Espagne, ce que nous avons fait pendant de nombreuses années. Maintenant, au lieu de grimper et de monter avec les routes qui tournent en rond, il y a presque de plus en plus de tunnels depuis que nous avons visité la dernière fois, donc deviner que le temps de déplacement est beaucoup moins de ces jours. Je peux rappeler dans les années 80 quand du côté espagnol d'Andorre, les nouvelles routes ralentissaient en cours de construction au lieu des pistes de terre avec des rochers tombants et des fissures dans le béton aussi larges qu'un pneu ... c'était comme traverser une zone de guerre pour un an ou deux ... Quand vous descendez dans la ville étant si bas et les montagnes si raides une minute, vous avez le soleil et le lendemain, vous êtes vraiment à l'ombre et le froid ... J'y retournerai un jour, je espoir... do not forget it is a translation and that can be a tad wrong sometimes...
I am a native English speaker. I am fluent in French and German too. I have no idea of these horses. Andorra while not far is a few hours drive from here. I do not go there often. We have to go down the road and around the Canigou and up the next valley to get there.
Thanks for the knowledge..I speak very little French for conversation use but can read almost by having to..google is my friend though..... speak some Spanish as we had lived in Spain on and off for many years...English is my birth language but I am not very academic, more sports and labour type...I have actually found out just by doing a search of Andorra that the horses are still wild and free there.. That was good news ...