I have to admit. Despite having numourus credentials. I do not stick the the, er' her rule of thumb gardening. I like I am sure many other gardeners like to experiment. For instance. I have a collection of Begonia sempervirens. These are generally catalogued as being annuals. My present collection are seven years old. Growing in an unheated greenhouse. I tend to override the data on when to take cuttings etc. I really hate waste. So tidying up plants, I basically stick off-cuts into pots. They either grow or peg out. I do not pick and choose my seasons. Under glass, I will split mature plants. Tapping them out of their pots. I will slice basal growth. This can provide me with at least two possible new plants, perhaps more. Instant potting and wait for the best. For the larger plants. I will cut them back. Removing flowers and seed pods, these cuttings are trimmed and potted. Moderate watering is provided. Come planting out time for summer, I have a plentiful supply. Now I am preparing for next year. My Impatiens have given a fine display. So why not? Why not try and take these over for future years? I will keep you posted.
Very good Mike, I do that with the fuchsias and trailing geraniums from my hanging baskets. Can get cuttings from cuttings.
I've dug up pelargoniums d overwintered them over the years. Last year I also overwintered a French marigold. It bloomed until about March, then it died. Pretty while it lasted.