I liked having a garden even when we lived in town on a clay filled lot. It was a lot of work getting the conditions right. In 2006, the place where I worked shut down and I was out of a job. Sold our in town house and bought this 1 1/2 acres further out of the city. Was able to pay cash with equity and all. It's got decent soil and conditions, although the growing season is a bit shorter. Chance of frost until June 1st or so. I have an inground plot of about 40x50 ft. This year, I am building some raised beds etc for near the house. I am retired now, so am able to put a bit more effort and time into gardening.
Wow Harrylee! Great piece of land you have there, I love the way the gazebo sits in the fence line too
I was born in the nearest community, about an hour and a half drive away. My family used to come and camp at the provincial park here, and I always loved it. When I met my husband, it was amazing to find that he lived here. His family had a boat access only fishing resort during his childhood, and he came every summer with new owners to guide the rivers and lake. He bought our 86 acres when he was 21. He moved up permanently 10 years later. He put in the roads, power, built the home, barn and outbuildings. It's a very special place to me. I've lived here about 25 years. He about 42.
Melody, I more than like where you live. I LOVE the area. I have always longed to visit Vancouver British Columbia. If I live long enough, maybe. Your barn is beautiful. The mountain, OH MY !
I'm originally from Milpitas, CA...That's where I learned to grow plants and veggies. I now live in Minnesota. Totally different from CA but the love of my life lives here, so I stayed here since 2016.
Born in Los Angeles, then moved to San Diego. From there I lived in Dallas/Fort Worth area for a few years, then moved to Missouri. I have been here for about 13 years, and I love it!
I was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest. I love Washington State, but I got married and moved to Georgia, then Texas. A few years ago (2017), I moved back to Washington State with my granddaughter. We lived there for a year and a half, but Washington was too expensive for a teacher's salary. So my son, who is a professor at UW Milwaukee told me there were a lot of jobs here and cost of living is crazy cheap compared to the Pacific NW. My granddaughter and I packed up and came here to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. We flew in, in December, a couple months later I found a place called Victory Gardens. Once a year they have what they call the blitz and go around building and filling raised beds. I have what's called a double lot so I bought two, one in 2019 and the other in 2021. (2020 they didn't do it). It's nice living here and I have expanded to a raspberry patch out back by the alley and have been growing potatoes in grow bags by my garage. With the two raised beds I grow the usual; carrots, lettuce, beans, tomatoes, etc. I just moved my strawberries closer to the raised beds because the raspberries have taken over and enroached on the strawberry bed. Maybe next year I'll get strawberries again.
I moved to this itty bitty city after my good husband passed away. We had a farm, his family farm, in the next town south of here in florida. I always liked this town and found a little folk victorian house for sale. The price was right so here I am !!