Best timing for planting Crocus and Daffodil bulbs

Discussion in 'Flower Gardening' started by Beeker, Feb 16, 2022.

  1. Beeker

    Beeker In Flower

    Mar 2, 2009
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    New England, USA
    Our weather, here in New England, is flip-flopping like crazy. It hits 60, I get ready to plant, but then see that the temps will drop down to the 20s again with single digits at night.

    So, I don't expect to have blooming crocuses or daffodils this year, but when is the best time to plant for blooms next year?

    Oh, and how about primroses?
    They are for sale now, but not for long.
    When do they get planted?

    Why do these flowers all go on sale when you can't plant them and certainly cannot enjoy them until the following year?

    Looking forward to lots of advice for my climate/zone (5b) and some tips and tricks if possible.

    Thanks in advance.
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    MIKE ALLEN Seedling

    Sep 20, 2021
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    Eltham. London. SE England.
    I recall something regarding frosts in your part of the world. Seems a short period June through September, to be a relatively safe period from frosts. Basically if the ground is frozen, forget planting anything. Your location seems to be pretty general for planting. In most cases, bulb planting takes place late summer more into autumn. When planting bulbs. Avoid planting too deep,the results can be what many term a,'Blind plants'. Planting too shallow, and the bulbs can force themselves out of the ground, also many bulbs will rot. It's surprising how much a planted bulb will actually move itself about, like as if it's making itself comfortable. If the soil tends to retain too much water, slow draining, then adding a handful of grit or suchlike to the hole can be a benefit. If planting lilies. Some lily bulbs have scales that tend to form a shape like holding your hands in a cup shaped mode. This tends to form a kind of welcoming bowl for water. An old tip here is to slightly tilt the bulb so that excess water is deflected from entering the core of the bulb.

    Primroses basically can be planted anytime. They are perennials and come up each year.

    Garden centres are in it to make money. They are simply an extension of a shop. Nurseries produce plants under artificial conditions. Here in the UK. Garden centres suddenly are overstocked with plants covering all ranges. For many. The sudden appearance of masses of flowering plants and bulbs is a welcome sight for sore eyes. Having endured the dark and dismal months of winter, woweee! Sadly folk rush out and load up with these delights. Then, having enjoyed a days gardening, so often wake-up to a covering of frost and, Oh Dear. My plants are dead. This is great news for the garden centres. Folk have been bitten by the gardening bug. No expense spared, off they go for another load of plants. Many plants can be obtained out of season. These can be overwintered etc under cover.

    Enjoy your gardening.
    eileen and Beeker like this.
  4. Beeker

    Beeker In Flower

    Mar 2, 2009
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    New England, USA
    Thank you for the info, @MIKE ALLEN and for the tilt tip. I will definitely keep that in mind.

    You make such a good point about garden centres. I've often had to tell people new to fish keeping the same thing about pet stores.
    It is sad that there are many people who are so greedy and not concerned at all for the happiness of their customers or the health of the creatures they sell. Many of us are on a tight budget, especially now, and are looking for ways to brighten the days and bring some cheer to our lives, and perhaps to neighbors' as well. But, there are also many people out there who will take advantage of other peoples ignorance on the different topics.
    Fortunately, we have these forums and the more people become familiar with using forum and internet tools for research, the less people will be taken advantage of.
    Thank you, again.
    eileen and MIKE ALLEN like this.

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