I have compiled a list of shrubs you may find useful under the following headings: - Top shrubs for shade - Top shrubs for sun - Shrubs for interest in all seasons Here goes:- Top shrubs for shade * Prunus "Otto Luyken" * Lonicera pileata * Euonymus "Emerald & Gold" * Hydrangea macrophylia * Vinca major "Variegata" * Mahonia aquifolium * Kerria japonica * Viburnum davidii Top shrubs for sun * Lavatera "Rosea" * Fuchsia "Mrs. Popple" * Potentilla "Abbotswood" * Spirea japonica "Anthony Waterer" * Buddleia davidii * Cistus * Ribes sanguineum * Pittosporum "Tom Thumb" Shrubs for interest in all seasons * Forsythia "Lynwood" * Berberis darwinii * Escallonia "Apple Blossom" * Fuchsia "Genii" * Perovskia "Blue Spire" * Berberis thunbergii * Viburnum x bodnantense "Dawn" * Erica "Myreton Ruby" Does anybody have any lists they would like to contribute?
Just the kind of thing I wanted to know Gardenplan as I am re-doing a large bed at the back of my garden and I want all year round colour and interest. Thanks. Feel free to add more as I need all the help I can get!!