I have been navigating a large underground yellow jacket nest, close to where I have my Critter Cam on the driveway. I noticed that the hole was larger and a lot of the growth was mashed down. Not many bees hanging around. I checked the critter cam, and someone came in for a snack. Pooh-Bear raided the bee hive. I'm grateful that I'm not watching for the nest now, but he also must have a full tummy.... and a few stings. Scoping out for coppers....getting ready to dive in before leaving the scene.
Hahahaha....good point! He probably would have preferred the fly mask I had for my horses....keep the stings away. Maybe a little more dramatic looking.
Oh Pooh is cute, dangerous, but cute. Great shots on the critter cam, we dont get to see to many bears.
@Lillium_Lover - because we live in the wild close to the border of a provincial park, and surrounded by endless crown land with a waterway, they are pretty common here. But not common in our personal space. Always, usually, passing through. Early spring and fall. Our driveway is a kilometer long, and this camera is at the middle of it where a game trail comes out and crosses to a watering hole at the creek. I actually put it there because of human predators....catching vehicles etc. Sometimes they get a little close ( humans and bears ), but almost always move on when they figure out we are here. We've had maybe three serious bear issues in thirty years. We are cautious, careful, prepared and very respectful. Also always full of admiration - and prepared and careful. ( every morning I go and check the newly bountiful blueberry patch...not behind a fence. And every morning - so far - I breath a happy smile of relief hahahaha). Apples also come in before they are mature...any day now.
Nice pics Melody. I've lived in this old farmhouse for 19 years. I always knew there were bears around, but last week I finally saw one! I'm thankful that there are plenty of wild apple trees and berry bushes around here, and hoping that it doesn't come into my yard!
Your farmhouse is beautiful! I really loved the aerial photos. Now you know the bears are really there I doesn't matter how often I bump into them unexpectedly- my heart always jumps, I always get butterflies, and my pulse races until things are a safe distance. Even with Angus there. Wild apple trees sound interesting...I didn't know there was such a thing. I'm sure that tummy tempter will keep him out of your garden.