This is a news report on the highland resort in my country. Cameron Highlands May Soon Run Out Of Large, Sweet Strawberries Due To Climate Change ( This is so sad!
The climate changes from year to year ! It never stays the same ! Every few years we have a summer drought as this year was ! Next year we may have plenty of rain ! But none is the result of climate change ! Just normal Texas weather !
Yep, been far hotter, wetter and way way more CO2 in the past than there is now. Current CO2 - 414.77 ppm Source = NOAA GML Around 180 million years ago, CO2 rocketed up from about 1,200 ppm to 2,500 ppm We ain't seen nothing yet
I have to agree with Mart on this one. I wonder if the dinosaurs had to switch to electric motors, they must have been getting through loads of diesel. I daresay the methane levels were a bit high then too - a lot of those dinosaurs were a whole lot bigger than cows
As much as I admire Tetters and Mart, I must disagree. Climate change is cyclical, but human activities are speeding up the process. Whatever we can do to slow down our contribution to climate change may help stave off the time we all become dinosaurs, and I'm not talking methane emissions!
I read somewhere, a couple of decades ago, scientist examing ice core samples in the Antartic, at one time there was a very high lead content in the atmosphere. This was in Roman times, as they used a lot of it.
I'm very sorry to hear about the Strawberries KK. :-( That's quite sad. My biggest alarm bell is our dissapearing glaciers. Just vanishing at alarming rates. They've survived and existed through time, until the last 10 years or less. Glaciers and glacial lakes are a big part of our ecosystem. It's a little frightening to see them receded and almost gone in some areas. My grandchildren ( when I get them) won't know that they were there.
Thank you Mel, I just wonder why so many people just complaint about it and do nothing about it. I know people who just left their vehicles engine running while waiting and sometimes they are not even in the vehicle. Also those who left the air conditioner running when there is no one in the room or when the weather is not even hot. Sometimes I think we are not from Earth, we are just aliens here to destroy it and now looking for another planet ... Mars??? ... also to destroy!
If we are aliens...I hope I'm like Alf from Melmac.... or Mork from Ork ... Gentle hugs and deep breath is all I can offer KK. We are the moment and the now. And the future all rolled up into one. I think the next wee ones will have a better handle on things....we are always evolving and changing. Now...about that lettuce........ I'll send you a reply tomorrow. And....I can send you some strawberry jam if we can get it past the coppers and not have the jar break....
Climate change has meant that I used to prune our wisterias in February. For the last ten years I've been doing it between Christmas and New Year.
Those are wonderful aliens and I am sure you are just like them Thank you very much for the offer of the strawberry jam but I am just too far away. I am sure the journey would be too risky Yes I do missed real homemade strawberry jam especially those which I had when I was in Europe.
Funny, I remember summers hotter than this. They are followed by cool, cloudy summers. It's a naturally occurring cycle caused by solar weather and the oceans. Anybody familiar with the 12 year cycle? It seems like those who want to get the $$ and control are counting on people to have bad memories thinking back over the course of their lives and what it was like to play outside in the summers and winters. Maybe that is why it is so important to keep kids inside playing video games; they won't know what's really going on outside and will only be able to take the word of the "scientists" that are being paid to promote certain ideas and agendas. Has anyone considered how much heat these 100+ acre solar panel farms generate? Enough to cook migrating birds so they drop right out of the sky when they fly over. Oh, and the weather stations are conveniently placed along side them. Just a thought.
Beeker, I am not familiar with the 12 year cycle. Please elucidate. Scientists being paid to promote ideas and agendas. Do you have proof? If so, please post. We are members of Audubon, and there has been no mention of migratory birds being "cooked" by solar farms. Audubon and other birding sites have posted maps of changing migratory patterns, due to drought, storms, wildfires, and loss of habitat. Again, if there is proof of "cooked birds", please post.
My opinion on all this is that this ball we all live on has been around for a long time. Our time is just a small fraction of it's life so our knowledge on it can't be that spot on. The planet I do believe has cycles and adjusts itself accordingly. As for the experts they can't get a weather forecast correct after 2 days they just run computer models and guess (source someone I know at accuweather). Yes we have aided in the ozone hole but it self healed during the beginning of covid and the lock downs. Also in the mix are volcano's and other natural occurrences that aid in it. I think the climate change issue as with many things have become a tool for politician's and for some financial profit. There are article going back to the 60's and 70's saying the planet was ending in 10 years. That is just my take on it all and I am not here to insult or offend anyone's belief on this.