Pac I'm sure the baby is totally fine now. He/She didn't stop breathing for long enough to cause any brain damage. I'm positive the mother will see your face tending to her child for the rest of her life and will smile knowing you were there just when you were needed most. I hope you manage to trace both of them and find out that everything turned out just fine as I'm entirely sure it did.
Been trying to find any news info , went back to the store no one knew anything. Hospitals won’t release info unless family. This too will pass.. it’s like a rescue by the seat of your pants and hoping no brain damage…it’s still gets me in my gut a sic feeling.
Very scary Pac. Thank God you were there. I bet that baby is okay now. Hopefully the docs will be able to figure out what's wrong. Babies brains are very resilient though, they can recover and do much better than us. Congrats to you Pac.