Thanks folks. I definitely can grow some weeds but they dont taste that good. I'd better work on me gardening skills a bit.
Hello Mater.. from PNW …any garden news from your neck of the woods ? It’s starting to be spring here.
Easter flowers (daffodils) have just bloomed which I thought was a little early but there they are. I started my onion transplants last week. On standby for the rest.
Why yes I did. I don't have much luck with onion sets since they alway bloom on me and really dont bulb much even if I top them. I am right on the border between long day and short day varieties. I have better luck with short day onions. I haven't tried any intermediate onions yet. I started some Texas Grano and Red Grano. The Red Grano was pelletized and hasn't sprouted yet but I expect it to in the next day or two. The Texas Grano looks like blades of grass folded over now but they are about to flip out of the soil.
Hello, @Mater. Welcome to the Stew from the northwest coast of Norway. Seems like Tennessee is way ahead of us spring weather-wise. Please hop in and make yourself at home. Looking forward to stewing with you.