Great story, Cayu. Among your other talents you are a sheppardess as well. Is that a word? I would have loved to have seen that.
Lovely hilarious stories about our animals. Never a dull moment. The real story is How Much We Learn about Ourselves from our Animals. They teach us so many lessons in their own special way. I know I have learned a lot of patience how to corral my anxieties and share happiness. my horses I learned love music. I was listening to earphones and just put one earphone up to the big furry ear and lo and behold whenever I came out to the barn this furry fuzzy ear was always slanted to my ears. So I installed a radio out in the barn and believe it or not the horses seem much happier less anxious and calmer especially when vet came. The horses , dogs and cats also luv laughter they become better interested in tasks and follow thru on training when asked to do ground work. So learning to pay attention to the horses and other animals behaviors has taught me to listen better.