Like many we've had an unusually timed blast of winter. We've had our snow accumulation for a year in a few weeks. I was so excited for spring a month ago and wearing hiking boots. Now it is knee high snow boots again. Walking trails were cleaned out today and ploughing done. Replanning seed sowing, and loving the beauty of what life has to offer in the now. There is enough catastrophe in life without catasrophing what is handed to us. It's really pretty out there. Glass is always half full. ------ Plough truck looks like eye balls.... Don't have to worry about the 45 gallon burn barrel catching the forest on fire. The willows kinda look like spring might be coming. And the sky is pretty. The raspberries and blueberries are well insulated The outhouse has clear access at the front and the door can close ...and open Angus and I have our walking trail back, and it feels like a maze! Very cool. The deer and moose will also appreciate this break from the snow. I was able to shovel the walk way that my one neigbour/friend uses to drop in, hug me, have coffee and tell me she loves me. A lot of the snow was blown off the roof, and really doesn't have far to fall before it hits the ground. Bonus! greenhouse. It will be the first place to get warm and show a sign of spring, even if the snow removal got away on me. I will find my way in through the front plastic and sit in there soon one day, and smell the dirt. YUP. Today is a good day.
Chuckle. Great posting Melody & beautiful pics of an incredible amount of snow. Yes, you've gotten a whole winter's worth in one storm.
Well Mel, I really enjoyed this snowy display with explanation. I can see that it limits you a bit but you have your ways to deal with it. It is wonderful that your neighbour lady can drop by for a cuppa. I’ll bet you two have lots to chat about. I imagine that you get to see the northern lights often enough there, but last night they were visible here as well ! We get to see them some years but not often, certainly not with the regularity that we saw them with in Alaska.
Mel, those photos were brilliant to see. I think we may have some to come, but I don't reckon on it being anything like that, thank goodness. The northern lights, evidently, were also visible here last night Sjoerd, but we didn't look out for the spectacle, as we understood there would only be a possible sighting in Scotland. We now read that there will be a repeat performance tonight, so will keep eyes peeled.
same here Tetters. My daughter saw them and took some pics. I put them on a Northern Lights thread. Lucky girl.
Haha, love your post, Mel! Can you get on the roof and toboggan down that very inviting slope by the house? Seems we're in for some very cold, very snowy weather come week-end. I need to check on what's blooming since it will be squashed flat if the forecast is accurate. We had cloudy, rainy weather during the northern lights-display so we never got to see a single ray of it. Bummer, but that's generally the rule here.