The broadies are coming along well now, so out onto the balcony they went this morning and the hardening-off process has begun. When I was at the lottie, the snow was melting fast; however, these interesting animal tracks on the sidewalk caught my attention. They are melting-away, so I cannot identify them certainly. Do any of you have an idea?
It's difficult to tell, but it could be a squirrel at a dead run. They bring their back legs up to their front like that when they are high tailing it. Maybe it didn't like having cold feet Tracks expand so much in melt. The day after a bit of melt Angus' look big enough for wolf tracks.
I thought that they look like squirrel tracks, but we do not have any squirrels in this part of the country. I also thought that it might be an ermine. I just cannot tell.
Ahhhh my mistake. I ASSumed you had squirrels and didn't have ermine. Ermine are definitely more inclined to have them closer together like a wee rabbit in winter. Especially when running through the snow. They are good guys...they eat mice and voles. The gaurdians of the spring peas Hopefully it was an ermine.
Mel—Chuckle. Well, we do have ermine. I have seen them. My gardening neighbour man bd I stood for forty minutes one day and watched a mother move her young. That was so interesting. BTW—are those rabbit tracks you have shown there?
Our best thoughts are something in the weasel family. We have those here - magic to watch, especially when the families happen. The little ones are so playful, and difficult for the parents to keep under control.