I had just written about the Hakonnchloa plants that we chucked into the balcony planter. Those are the broad beans hardening-off. In that bad storm we had a few days ago, a fold-up garden chair landed in a tree near us where there is house construction going on. Then, we began chitting our spuds yesterday. What’s going on here? Here a piccy out of the paper/internet: It is duckweed. It must have looked like you could walk on it. Here is another clever foto that my Bride found on some news website. You can tell by this posting that I have too much free time on my hands.
It seem's that the Dutch are one of the most sensible nations in Europe at the moment Never seen Red Duckweed before Sjoerd I took a picture a bit like that a few years ago
Ok, so you're photographing runaway chairs, moving plants about, and chitting potatoes, but that red duckweed is amazing! (Lemna turionifera, and now I want some.) I thought at first your lottie was making a bike path, and then I realized it was a canal. I can't blame that poor chap for believing he could walk across, but he obviously needs a lesson from an old prophet that lived in the Middle East. Droplet photos are such fun. I never manage to do what I want to do, but I'm not gonna stop trying. Oh, and by the way: Love your planters!
I am delighted that you liked this posting, Droopy. You are right that kroos looks like a bike path. Many of our bike paths really are that colour. There is a story here about a Japanese tourist stepping into a canal covered with this red weed and sinking. That may be a saga or a urban legend, I don’t know. Yes, practical lessons are needed before attempting this “feet”. There are also lizards that can walk on water, but they must get a wriggle on. Thanks for the planter compliment. That was nice. Pac, do you have oddities to show then? Please do.
The planters are beautiful Sjoerd. Will the plants get very tall, like above the railing kind of tall? I think it will be really good for the soul to have them lovely and green in your own space. I also can't believe how big your broad beans are. What temperature is your hardening off happening at? The duck weed is amazing. I had to look a few times and didn't figure out that it was the canal until I read at the end. Will is stay that colour for very long? And does it have a scent? I could have the daffodil droplet photo on my wall all winter and be happy as a clam. Very talented. Thanks for sharing.
Never seen pinkish red duck weeds before, when I first saw the picture I thought it was a running track.
Mel— glad you liked the planters. I got hose on sale in a garden centre. They are heavy. My Bride wanted to put some of that Japanese grass in them for donkey’s years. Her wish is fulfilled….now they have only to well. You know, I do not know how long they will stay red. It is so common, that I almost don’t even see it anymore. I do not know if it will remain where it is forever, as the canal water streams and the hard wind pushes it. I will try and pay attention and report back. Don’t hold your breath though, for the working time is coming. I have never smelled it. KK—You are right, t does look like a running track. That such a common ad simple thing can actually be so interesting.
I know Clay, I just wish a few more would open their eyes and realise this. It worries me hugely, but you can lead the horse to water........
Thank you.. the sun finally showed up and this leaf droplet pic was right at my big foot I almost stepped on it.