Just be glad you don't have jackalopes. They are sighted all over Texas, mostly by people who are "under the influence".
Tetters—He did in fact, and while in the VIP lounge he met Hare-y and Meghan. I know what you’re thinking, but it is no crime to be rubbing paws with the rich and famous. I don’t really know the bunny or H&M well; or should I say, at all….I am splitting hares here. Jane— I know those devils. I was attacked by one at the Brown Mountain lookout over the Linville Gorge once and was lucky to escape with my life. Pshew! You know, all I wanted to see was the Brown Mountain Lights, and this creature came bounding up the mountain side, jumped over the protective wall and immediately began attacking us. It caused me to drop that jar of some kind of curious clear liquid that was sold to me as dew water, collected in the mountains. I wouldn’t say that I was under its influence though. It did have a sort of burny heat to it oddly enough. I did see the Lights though.
Those must be what ate my pea plants. I suspect some deer and rabbits both got into the neighbor's special "herb garden " and.... well... you know . Next there will be jackalopes jumping into the trees like kangaroos, oh my!
Sjoerd hilarious story on the H&M subject. Don’t mind you splitting hares at All. Amazing. Teatime funny story. And what was that attacking you? Oh did that glass of liquid enhance your experience in any way?
Hi Pac—glad you liked that posting. That ball jar of liquid didn't enhance my experience, rather you could say that it enhanced the perception of my experience.
Consider yourselves fortunate you don't have chupacabras (translation--goat sucker). It seems there is a Texas legend that this mythical beast really exists, and occasionally there is a "sighting" which may be attributed to the contents of a Mason jar. The closest thing ever trapped was a raccoon with mange.
The horror of all those scary monsters . This may be the reality for many PNW gardens but I imagine these monsters as viscous and ferocious as any mythical monster in the night. In my neck of the woods as silly as it sounds the monster around here are the huge banana slugs that are native to the Pacific Northwest. Even if the horses step on these huge 6”-10” slugs they don’t squish or smash. Even the schools hold yearly banana slug races.The horror of it all. These Gastropoda can travel 6” per minute.They have demolished rows and rows of young seedling over night,even in the greenhouse . I swear they have wings and chainmail armor. Imagine the horror when tiny seedlings see a small army of banana slugs munching on their friends and neighbors. For the actual pic of the monsters see. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/invertebrates/facts/banana-slug Sent from my iPad