Here just coming in from the main entrance. A viewer with eagle eyes may notice the houpou on the track. We have started a vegetable patch. Just outside the park we can see the house of our neighbours. Spain is on the other side of the ravine. The last daffodil. Ornamental cherry. And close up. There are also white ones. Can anyone identify this bush.
Odif lookin good. Beautiful view of the grounds, castle and the surrounding hills. Any plans for refurbishing the grounds? Spot any deer yet?
@Pacnorwest since I repaired the fence, I have not spotted any wildboar thankfully , but I can hear the roe deer barking right now and we have spotted them a few times.
Looks like a lot of redesigning is in order. Lots of trimming and reorganizing . Good to hear te boars are securely fenced out. We have a lot of deer around my garden they hop over a 6’ fence like it’s nothing. I have had great luck with a product spread around the perimeter discouraging deer.
Odif, the last picture for identification is difficult to see very well, but from the general shape of that shrub at the moment I am guessing that could just possibly be an Eleagnus umbellata. It seems to have the same kind of sprawl, and I believe it can become a bit of a problem in your area - or anywhere in Europe actually. Did you notice any perfume or small insignificant flowers during the winter months?
No such thing Odif. A lovely home will look completely undesireable and run down without well cared for grounds. Beautiful grounds can make a wooden box look elegant. This is very exciting. Your talent and effort will make it very beautiful. Thank you for sharing the photos. ( and you can keep the wild boars thanks....I've heard they can be very dangerous and make a mess of things to boot). Difficult for me to fathom that Spain ( another country) is across a ravine hahaha. Your new home looks so beautiful and peaceful.
@Tetters That last photo is actually a rhododendron that has been overgrown with brambles. @SeanLI Yes hoopoe is the bird. We also have a pair of orioles nesting just outside our door in the ivy. @Pacnorwest I guess you meant you agree with melodymc said about the gardens needing to be well cared for to make any house look like a castle. The grounds have been quite neglected for the last 3 years due to the last gardener being lazy and the lockdowns keeping the owner away. We are mostly pruning and cleaning up leaves and dead branches away. @Melody Mc. Unfortunately I spoke too soon and there are still some wildboar diggings visible. We had lots of much needed rain last night. The Mexican orange is in full magnificent flowering with the rather extensive and sprawling wisteria just coming into its own. This bush, I honestly do not know the name of.
Odif. The pics above are knock outs. Wow the wisteria on the block wall are magnificent. I wonder if the mock orange flowers are calling the birds and bees by their floral fragrance . The last pic looks to be a viburnum or Daphne. If it has a strong fragrance it’s a daphne. Maybe others can add what else it could be. Are there previous pics of the garden before the lock down? You’re lucky to be able to bring this garden back . A challenge but so many mature plants to get back under control. Your energy and enthusiasm to care for this garden is going to keep you busy all summer.
Ok … it’s worth another look… close up pic of leaves or flowers. Do the owners have any reference diagrams for you? I was watching a tv show and it was filmed in England and pictured a huge castle reminded me of your task to bring order to an over grown garden. I am curious to see the inside …? Any pics?