All the colors this year are exceptionally bright. Especially taken while the glow of the sun brightens them all to look like sparkling jewels. Soon I’ll be scraping them all up. UGH…mulching. Will it be ok to leave the pics on the slideshow… too many to scroll…it’s worth a peek.
I agree— absolutely worth it to look at them all. Gosh Pac, what wonderful grounds you have. It looks professional there.
I have not gotten my leaves raked up yet, but I am still working on my woodchip pile. I did get some hauled to my veggie garden, and will put others in flower beds. They are great mulch. Then there are more leaves, rocks and other garden chores when I get there.
GORGEOUS!!! (yes I am shouting, please excuse me). Your place is beautiful Pac. I loved the pics & am very impressed.
Thank you all….wow…. I am embarrassed… well just a little… it’s so nice to hear all your comments. And yelling is perfect. I have worked so hard for so many years to have a beautiful fall season garden of color using a variety of plants.This fall for some reason has extraordinarily perfect weather. No frost or freeze to shut down the process. It takes a lot of effort over time just to plan, find the right plant for each space and plant it all , water system, trim… the whole 9 yards. I have literally planted over 250 shrubs, Trees, Perennials and ground cover. Anything that grows in my zone is at risk of ending up in my garden. Always combating deer, gophers, moles, voles… there is never a dull moment. Thanks again, I appreciate all your kind compliments.
What gorgeous photos @Pacnorwest ! Absolutely amazing. You have a beautiful, lovingly cared for paradise there. Here are a couple from my yard. And a neighbor Our red maple has already dropped its leaves. They are now mulching the garlic bed.
Oh My word, Daniel— that is some serious colour there. That pic of your neighbour’s little trees are stunning. Your pic ought to be on a calendar, mate. It really captures my idea of “the feeling of fall”. Remarkable. The first foto featuring the fencerow along your property, does the trick as well. It looks like an excellent composition to me. Well done.
This fall is still hanging on with a the beautiful fall color pallet of the PNW. This is the dwarf lace leaf acer palmatum bright red orange in center. Arch is covered with the weeping blue atlas and the weeping cherry tree is the golden color on right and leaves on the ground.