I took advantage of a cooler cloudy day to do a bit of landscape remodeling in front of the Gnome home (which is still under construction as the carpenter (Bob) has a wounded wing (shoulder) and he hasn’t been able to work on the deck and step. I had the little Globe Arborvitae planted in front of the tree stump , but I wanted to use two baby BoBo Hydrangeas too so I moved the Arb to the middle and put the two Hydrangeas on either side. That tree is gone, but the roots are still there. I had to do a bit of digging and sawing to get them out. There is a Korean Spice Viburnum in the back that I’ve grown from a baby, and several Hostas, Ferns, Brunnera, Goatsbeard and wild Ginger. I’m quite pleased with my endeavors. It was a good day to be a gardener!!
So creative. Great job really brings life in a Gnome sort of way to the garden. From the chimney , roof, door every detail is a super look for Mr Gnome . Lucky gnome. Lovely plantings around the area .
Thanks PAC- it’s my passion and I love being in my backyard. A great bonus to the job was a good rain overnight!!
Kay, nice project! Those gnomes will pay you back and chase evil goblins away from your garden. They appreciate such kind attention. Don't be surprised if they plant some morels around the place by way of thanks.
Oh Kay, that looks wonderful. You put some work and thought into that plot— that is evident. I like what you did with that tree stump. You have some nice, dark soil there. Is that a result of soil care or did you add some commercial soil to the plot? Those red border stones look very smart. Do you know what type of stone they are? Your lawn looks just like I would like a lawn to look, if I had a lawn. Too bad that your partner has a sore shoulder at the moment. Those things can go on for weeks sometimes. Fingers crossed that it heals sooner rather than later. Please show ore pics as this lovely plot begins to mature. Chapeau for your work.
Thanks Daniel, My Gnome is patiently waiting for the deck and stairs to be done. I sure hope he’ll keep bad spirits away and motels would be nice! Thanks Sjoerd- I’ve re done this area several times and it keeps evolving. It gets more sun now that the tree is gone. The rocks are pink granite. Very plentiful in the farmland soil here. When we lived at the lake, we would hunt and collect these rocks. I hauled them to our property when we bought it in 2006. I’ve used them to border most of the ornamental beds. I do have a special fondness for these pink rocks. The soil is pretty good, it was former farmland, and I’ve amended with compost for years. We have had wonderful timely rains this spring which is a perfect way to get plants off to a good start.
Pink granite. Well those stones are good looking. You are a real pro, Kay. That ground looks ideal. The bed looks so good already, I wonder how it will look as it matures.