In my spring clean up I saw my rose bush after 14 years finally bit the dust. It was a common small red variety. I know a lot of stewbies are more knowledgeable with roses than myself. Any suggestions on a replacement variety for zone 6 Western exposure ?
Clay, Knockout roses are champion bloomers, low maintenance, and very disease resistant. They probably have them at your local big box store garden section. I have not grown them, so I can't speak to personal experience. I've seen them around town. They look very nice to my eyes.
Don’t mention it, Clay. I can only suggest these two because I have grown them myself. Of course not everyone has the same taste.
If you like two tone hybrid tea rose petals. Have a peak at ‘ Neil Diamond’ or ‘Peach Swirl’. Both fragrant and available online. Saw them at the rose festival parade last weekend.
I have really enjoyed my David Austin roses for 40+ years. I ordered a different variety last year for my new home since I loved the look and fragrance of the others (and I did not remember the original variety). The new rose is doing very well and starting to climb with an abundance of blooms already. They have good descriptions of each variety online and the bare root plant proved very robust.
David Austin roses are truly special. You've got a real knack for gardening, especially with your new variety doing so well. I love how robust their bare root plants are, it’s like they come ready to thrive. Do you have a favorite spot in your garden where you enjoy the blooms?
My roses are spread out in several different areas around my garden. Just as long as they get at least 6 hours of sun , watered well , and shade from hot searing afternoon sun they do very well. Some are climbers, mini’s, or shrubs. Once established they are great bloomers all season.
Do you have any specific tips or techniques that have worked particularly well for you? My aunt for example gives her flowers some type of fertilizer
Roses in my zone 8 are grown in my garden along with the different varieties that grow well without any fertilizer and black spot resistant types.
@Supaju91 i do nothing special for the David Austin roses. I like them at the front of the house where there is ample light and I can watch them for invader plants. In my area Blackberry and maple tree seedlings need to be removed after they first appear or can become very difficult to kill without damaging the rose.