The Good Day All Thread

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by Frank, Aug 2, 2006.

  1. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    I am so happy for you.
    Melody Mc., Oreti and Pacnorwest like this.
  2. Daniel W

    Daniel W Hardy Maple

    Nov 18, 2021
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    Southwest Washington State USA
    Yay! Puppies are wonderful. Also little Tasmanian Devils of joy!
    Melody Mc., Netty, Sjoerd and 3 others like this.
  3. Pacnorwest

    Pacnorwest Hardy Maple

    May 16, 2018
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    Netty the extreme heat is taking its toll across the state and a heat dome effecting 15 states.
    Stay safe .
  4. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    We are having cooler than normal weather, thanks to the tropical storm in the Gulf of Mexico. We had a couple of brief showers yesterday and the temperature then and now is about 20 degrees below normal. Good day!
    Picked some more cherry tomatoes. Sure hope the food pantry can accept them.
    Hope you all have a comfortable day, and an overabundance of good things!

  5. Oreti

    Oreti Young Pine

    Mar 19, 2024
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    Hi everyone just stopping by to wish all who are experiencing extreme weather conditions well, I'm keeping you all in my thoughts. I hope improvements for you all are on their way.
    Keep safe and hydrated.:):like:
    Melody Mc., Daniel W, Sjoerd and 2 others like this.
  6. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    Good Saturday morning all. Currently 19°C and heavy rain. We needed some rain so I'm not complaing!
    We are going to go watch my 6 year old grandsons rugby game this morning, so I hope that it stops for a while. We are bringing Thunder along, so that he can get socialized a bit now that he knows who his family is. It has been a fun week getting to know our new puppy! It has been trying for me out in the garden, when he gets the zoomies and runs through my raised garden beds, but I think he has learned the words no and out now. Now he knows when hes in trouble, but still tests me haha
    We are getting a water truck in later, to fill up our pool. Sure would have been nice to have had that during the heat this week!
    Have a great day all :)
    Melody Mc., Sjoerd, Kay and 1 other person like this.
  7. Pacnorwest

    Pacnorwest Hardy Maple

    May 16, 2018
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    Netty sounds like Thunder is making his way into the hearts of the family.,a bit of garden training along with the Zoomies . Your story about thunder is familiar with training our pup a definite chuckle for all the pup antics to come.
    Melody Mc., Kay and Sjoerd like this.
  8. Daniel W

    Daniel W Hardy Maple

    Nov 18, 2021
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    Southwest Washington State USA
    Today was yard sale - part of the neighborhood combined yard sale. Very little went. Afterwards, I took the cookbooks to my neighbor, who gives them away at the food bank. The other books will go to the Friends of the Library book sale. I took a few good condition kitchen appliances to GoodWill.

    It's going surprisingly smoothly and much faster than expected. It helps to have everyone on board. My approach is, "What do you want to do with this?" It's amazing what can accumulate in 24 years of ownership. Still, it wears me out. If we can, I want everything out by midweek, except maybe pile what remains in garage for hauling away.

    I also left some furniture in front with a "Free" sign. I thought about saying "Free Or Best Offer" but that might confuse people .
    Melody Mc. and Pacnorwest like this.
  9. Melody Mc.

    Melody Mc. Young Pine

    Feb 4, 2022
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    Brisith Columbia, Canada
    I am sitting for the first time in 6 days after having my middle daughter and her friend here for a lovely visit. It was wonderful to have them. I enjoyed giving them a lot of TLC, and it was really fabulous that they made a clean spot in my overgrown flower garden. I'm very excited to get into there and reclaim it from the wild once the veggie gardens are weeded.

    We've been thinking about those in the extreme heat. Extreme heat and humidity are tough on the body.

    We are having cooler than normal and have a green pasture for the first time in three years after some lengthy drought. The bush is still dry, but that will take a lot of time to recover.

    I've been doing garden improvements to garden smarter and not harder, which are close to done. It is taking some time as I'm vole, chipmunk and deer proofing as best I can. Today some 1/4 inch metal 18 inch tall fencing went around my strawberries. The Lygus bugs seem to be having an off year so far which is welcome. I don't want to give all of my strawberries to the chipmunks this year.

    I've had a large black bear hanging around eating the lush dandelions and enjoying the creek. He's about 400 lbs but with the tall grass in the pasture we only see his back as he grazes. He's scared of us which is good, and gets shooed off now and then when he waddles to close.

    I had a mule deer, last years fawn, all by herself and walk out to about 15 feet from me today. She didn't look too healthy, and eventually she decided she should listen to me and go find her Momma or the shady creek. And finally last night a Pine Martin weasel came onto the porch around midnight and got Angus all excited. They're about the size of a large house cat, and quite weasily. I'm hoping he minds his Ps and Qs tonight and lets all three of us sleep after having company in the house.

    My son and his GF are coming in two weeks and I'm very excited. She's only seen our home in -34 weather, so it will be a treat to enjoy the lakes, waterfalls and lush green.
    Netty likes this.
  10. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    Good Sunday morning all. Currently 20°C and overcast with rain showers. It rained all night and there are huge puddles on the lawn. Thunder and I have been for our 'walk', which is only the length of the driveway at this point. But its far enough to wear off a little energy and get the insides working. Funny how the entire family is effected by the digestion of a puppy haha
    We went to the rugby game yesterday, and Thunder watched all the children intently, then watched the ball(s), then proceeded to fall sound asleep. Guess noise and people moving around don't bother him, which is good. He found his voice this week too, and so now we work to make sure that he isn't barking for no reason. He is already getting good at the game of fetch. Puppies are so fun, but can be trying too. He had the devil in him this morning!
    Housework today, and puppy training continues.
    Have a great day all :)
    Kay, Pacnorwest, Melody Mc. and 2 others like this.
  11. Melody Mc.

    Melody Mc. Young Pine

    Feb 4, 2022
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    Brisith Columbia, Canada
    @Netty - I'm enjoying your new loves puppy breath from across the country. I looked for a cute picture for Thunder Puppy and this popped up hahahaha. It made me laugh when you described your puppy antics.

    Netty likes this.
  12. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    Good Monday afternoon all. Currently 23°C and sunny. Another busy day at work, and then a trip to the chiropractor for an adjustment, then home to puppy. My daughter is home with him during the day and shes been busy playing ball, teaching him to sit, lay down and shake a paw. She is also working on spin. I'm working on off and out. He knows to go to the door when he needs to go out and go potty which is good. He seems to have endless energy during the day, but if we keep him up until 7pm he sleeps well, with one pee break in the night, and then sleeps until I get up. We are all getting used to our new routine.
    I finally got my annual flowers planted this weekend, now if I could just get caught up with my weeding!
    Have a great night all :)
    Pacnorwest likes this.
  13. Daniel W

    Daniel W Hardy Maple

    Nov 18, 2021
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    Southwest Washington State USA
    Wise words, Melody!

    Today and yesterday I canned two batches of sweet cherries - Bing and Ranier. My canner only holds 7 pints, so each batch was 7 pints.



    Somehow I realized, I'm not great about cooking meals for NOW. I like more to cook big batches to last a while. So, batches of burritos, or dog food, or canning, or...

    The Bings really came out red. They were red inside and out.

    I enjoy the process very much, first choosing the trees, then planting them, nurturing, lots of pruning, getting to know them over the years. Sometimes, they give back something special in return.

    Other than that, a little watering and a lot of cleaning the house that will be up for sale soon. GoodWill is getting to know me :).
    Kay, Melody Mc., Netty and 1 other person like this.
  14. Pacnorwest

    Pacnorwest Hardy Maple

    May 16, 2018
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    Lookin great …yumm… :)
    Melody Mc. likes this.
  15. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    Good Tuesday morning all. Currently 17°C and mostly cloudy. I don't have work this morning as I have an appointment, so that means I get extra puppy time today haha
    Saturdays rain sure made the gardens grow! I have lots of little tomatoes now, and the corn is already knee high, and its still a week until the 4th of July. Ive never grown corn in my home garden, so I'm curious to see if I actually get any corn.
    Off to my appointment, and then to work for the rest of the day.
    Have a great day all :)
    Oreti, Pacnorwest and Melody Mc. like this.

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