There is always a little lull in the blooming cycle where the spring blooms have finished and the summer bloomers are still in bud , or not even that far. This little dip in colour I have tried to remedy with some plants that do bloom in this period. Well I can plan what I want, but this season has had an answer to my every plan so far. I shan’t complain again about the disappointments or frustrations. Instead I will just say that many things had to be planted twice or three times to get a result. The Chelsea chop was not done this year due to the slow development of my chosen target plants. The wisteria was waaay late but produced copious bloom racemes. I pruned it slightly like every year, as I am still frying to force it to grow long to meet my requirements. I am trying to completely cover the pergola built over our sitting area. Some years we get a second blooming and even a third. Any hope of getting a second blooming bizarre season was wishful sadly. This I wistfully thought about that lovely, bloom-less plant over my head as I sat sipping my tea on one of my “working pauses”. My neck and trapezius muscles were stiff and I sort of messaged my neck, letting my head fall backwards and I saw them.... These lurkers were there up close to the house...on the periphery of the pergola, just out of sight. I had to gently expose them for this foto. I broke off my pause and went for a closer look around over the entirety of the wisteria’s growing trajectory. There were more. What a happy chappy I am. You see, my wistful thinking really was worth the grief.
What a beautiful wisteria! We all ought to take time to examine our gardens occasionally. There is almost always a lovely surprise awaiting us.
Jane, you are so right. My Bride and I have made an agreement with ourselves to do just that. It’s easy to miss important things or floral accomplishments.
Oh yeah, such small things can sometimes make a great impression. This year we are having a second blooming…now, at this very moment. Cheers for your comment here.
My wisteria have surprised me a time or two with,second blooms. They bloom in late April / May and into June, the beauty, color, scent is a good reminder that they don’t only flush in spring. Sometimes they can have another flush from July into August in my zone. Are your wisterias Chinese or Japanese ? Chinese wisteria or American varieties always grow counter clockwise. Japanese wisteria always grows clockwise. A tidbit…
Pac, I am not sure which it is anymore. I can tell you that they are not the long, blueish ones like Riley has.