Mini Tractors - Are they any good?

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by S-H, May 12, 2020.

  1. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    Are they all true to what is advertised about them? Or are they just cute toys for people who like to satisfy their own ego, and pretend that they too know their stuff around such mechines...

    I am only interested in having something with a front loader, and a backhoe - Don't care about any other attachment.

    I've been lead to believe that these things are just as capable as their full sized counterparts. But because of their smaller size, they will take longer to complete a job. Otherwise no limitations.

    Is this true or not???

    In my case, (hypothetically speaking), if time isn't an issue, they would be the ideal thing to get. And running cost isn't a consideration either - Secrecy is, related to construction in an undisclosed location, (doomsday prepping).

    In this global pandemic of the Coronavirus lockdown, I have not only survived - But actually thrived! So everything I did in life up till now, has paid off very well.

    However, I now need to get ready for whatever might come next...
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  3. Dirtmechanic

    Dirtmechanic Young Pine

    Feb 6, 2019
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    Birmingham, AL zone 8a
    I would love a tractor but better for me to rent one.
    S-H likes this.
  4. Odif

    Odif Young Pine

    May 2, 2017
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    pyrenees orientales
    Having my own articulated forest tractor is my ultimate dream. At my work I drive a 45000€ 4wd tractor with various attachments. A tractor can do a lot of work.
    S-H likes this.
  5. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    There was a programme recently on TV all about farming. It featured compact tractors and the reviews from people who'd bought them were encouraging. They said they were easier to handle and manoeuvre than the larger ones making them ideal for small holdings or larger gardens. They also compared the cost of repairs, replacement parts and fuel and the smaller ones came out with a score of 4.5 out of 5. Overall they were deemed to be 'great little workhorses.'
    S-H likes this.

  6. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    Only thing which is bothering me about these small tractors. Is that they don't have a closed cab, (like their big counterparts). So the driver is totally exposed to the elements - But more then that, driver is open to attack by wild animals like a pack of desert wolves or jackals which inhabit our unpopulated coastal areas...

    But it isn't beyond my capabilities to construct a made-to-order cab for such tractors, (would need to be snake proof too, for my peace of mind)... Even if I bought a full size tractor with a cab, I would still need to modify it to suit my particular needs - Like an additional oil cooler radiator for the engine, as well as other alterations to make it capable of handling my merciless climate. So my mind is already made up when it comes to modifications and upgrade.

    Already have 2 very superior lathe and milling machines also. So repairing or even making replacement parts isn't a problem, (I can even reproduce aircraft parts if required).

    Fuel supply isn't any issue either, as you all already know that it's been years since I mastered manufacturing bio-diesel. And for creature comforts, there is always renewable energy like solar and wind, (which too I am already using).

    What is most attractive about these mini tractors, is that they are very easy to hide away in storage, (like in a 20 foot shipping container)...
  7. mart

    mart Strong Ash

    Mar 31, 2010
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    NE Texas
    I can tell you kubota is a good brand with dependable engines ! we have 4 tractors but some are older classics, one work horse , (New Holland) and another older garden tractor ! Just sold a Kubota atv because hubby needs something smaller like a golf cart just to get around the yard ! Better know what you are doing when adding, changing things on the engines,, they have certain quirks ! what problems you usually find are that people try to do things that these smaller tractors are just not rated for ! And working on any kind of a grade is dangerous no matter the brand of tractor !
    S-H likes this.
  8. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    You know I never once thought about a closed cab as we don't get wild animals or indeed many snakes around here. The only wild things we get in Scotland are wild winds!! ;)
    Jewell and S-H like this.
  9. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Karachi, Pakistan

    Kubota is no doubt a very good brand I am sure, (I am seeing positive reviews about them everywhere). But, since it's Canadian, it has no support here... Same with everything else which is North American in origin. Tool also would be a complete mismatch, as we use the metric system, (millimeters, centimeters, and measure distance in kilometers, quality in liters, and weight in grams or kilograms) - In North America, it's in inches, feet, miles, gallons, and pounds...

    So the options I have here are our own brands, which are of British origin. And now lots of Chinese tractors too, (of all sizes) are imported and sold.

    Russian tractors weren't bad either - They could seriously punch well above their weight! But until the Soviet Union existed, we didn't have much diplomatic relations with them, (we were openly very hostile towards each other). So trade wasn't very easy at all... And for the next 15 years after the collapse of USSR, their economic situation was in no shape to trade with us.

    So my only options are the local brands, which have a long and positive reputation since the last 50+ years. Or the Chinese imported ones. There are European brands too, but costly in comparison to the Chinese or the locally made brands.

    I also agree that modifications too shouldn't be attempted, unless absolutely necessary, and you need to know exactly what you are doing, (as to not exceed the design limitations)...

    In regular farmlands around the outskirts of all major cities - No wild animals either. But in a far off place where nobody else would be able to get to - It's a completely different story...
  10. mart

    mart Strong Ash

    Mar 31, 2010
    Likes Received:
    NE Texas
    Get off the sofa and drive into the country and talk to people who routinely use these tractors ! They will tell you what to buy for what you need to do !
    One more thing !,,,Stay away from that PTO,, it will kill you quicker than you know ! Lot of one armed people here can tell you that it is not anything to mess with !
    S-H likes this.
  11. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    Not really interested in using it for farming. Just need it for construction work, (Earth excavation and hauling in building material).

    As for PTO, well, no machine should be played with in a careless fashion, (as mistakes of such nature can often be fatal) - But thankful I come from a very technical background, and am no stranger when it comes to machinery.

    Anyhow, will thought the power take off, (PTO), I have no use for a tractor...
    Dirtmechanic likes this.
  12. Dirtmechanic

    Dirtmechanic Young Pine

    Feb 6, 2019
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    Birmingham, AL zone 8a
    Bobcats have backhoes. The tractor has a length of wheel base that helps it track straight for farming. Fairly useless in tight corners of construction.
    S-H likes this.
  13. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Karachi, Pakistan
    True, but I was looking for a more or less universal machine. Which would be easy to repair also - Just needs to be multifunctional...
  14. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    This video is in Chinese, but just look at the Earth moving equipment of their military!

  15. frankie4

    frankie4 New Seed

    Mar 23, 2023
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    Make sure to check the specs and capabilities closely to ensure they meet your requirements.
    S-H likes this.
  16. josephbut

    josephbut New Seed

    Jan 10, 2023
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    I know it’s been a while since this post, but I’ve had a bit of experience with smaller machines and thought I’d share. From what I’ve seen, smaller excavators with a front loader and backhoe can handle a lot, though they do take longer to get the job done compared to full-sized machines. I once used a compact setup similar to the Ford 550 and found it quite capable for various tasks, but it did require more time. If secrecy and running costs aren’t an issue for you, and you don’t mind the slower pace, a smaller machine could be just what you need.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 16, 2024
    S-H likes this.

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