A hard frost came again last night and we have our first snow fall advisory. Angus and I went for a morning walk and took some pictures of the the hardy little survivors. I think the frost makes for a pretty farewell to my faithful friends while they get ready for their long winter's nap. We will rejoicefully visit again in 8 or 9 months.
Mel your frosty flower pics are really pretty. Summer went by way too fast. Next snow will be covering the landscape while we wait for next season. Temps are falling fast , time to dig out winter coats.
Beautiful @Melody Mc. , even as the gloomy prospect of Winter draws nearer stunning beauty can still be found........and you have captured it at its best.
I miss the blooms but I am ready for a break… Almost time to set up the amaryllis for holiday blooms for inside .
Pac...I've never grown an Amaryllis. My step mom used to every year. Sometimes I see them at the grocery store for a brief time. They are in a box. I'm always tempted. You keep yours year round?
Oh Mel— you just have to grow a couple of bulbs this winter. You can easily hold them over. I did it for years. They grow so fast that you can almost see them grow!
Amaryllis are super easy to grow. They add a lot of cheer inside during the cold winter season. Usually start them 8-10 weeks before the holidays. If you get a chance to buy them there are some great sources for double blooms, two tone blooms and so many different colors online. I save them and have grown them for many years.