I feel so sorry for people without pets. Pets are a source of joy, comfort, and entertainment. There is nothing better than a furry cuddle when you are feeling down, or an enthusiastic greeting when you come back into the house after taking out the garbage (gee, I was gone all of three minutes!, but I'm glad to see you, too). If you feel ill you have to hurry and get better because the dog is worried (the cat doesn't really care as long as you can drag yourself out of your sick bed and operate the can opener). For those of us with pets, we are happier and, of necessity, healthier. Let's hear it for our pets!
Hip, hip hooray for our pets.! I miss our cats terribly. They were such a joy. You are right in everything you said, Jane. 100% right.
Without my new dog I would not have met some of the neighbors. Cee Cee got pregnant and I was one of the first to hear about it. Otherwise I would not know those people from Elijah.
@marlingardener I agree with you 100%. My dog Rufus is my guardian angel. Except when he's a little devil, and that's not all that often. I'm puppy sitting for a few more days. Rufus isn't happy about it, but it will end soon. That puppy is everything you think of as a happy puppy, but with a lot more, little devil LOL