The Good Day All Thread

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by Frank, Aug 2, 2006.

  1. Melody Mc.

    Melody Mc. Young Pine

    Feb 4, 2022
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    Brisith Columbia, Canada
    It's been a busy week of unexpected jobs added to the "to do before winter" list.

    A neighbour called and was getting their septic tank pumped out. Because of our remote location and road conditions, the septic company offers discounts to neighbours who go together and get pumped out on the same day. We were planning on next year, but took advantage of the discount.

    Keeping in mind that Hubby built our home and started as a young man, our septic is homebuilt. Not uncommon in these parts. It was a lot of manual digging for two days, but then a string of disasters. The home built lid fell apart after being lifted and pumped ( thank goodness and after 35 years, not bad), things fell where they shouldn't have, the pumper truck came two days early, and an entire winterized temporary rebuild until spring ensued. I've gone places with a ladder that I've never gone before and never wish to again.

    I'm glad that is done. for now.

    There was also an outside access storage area under part of the house that I had heard about but never explored. I explored today and now understand some of the issues I've been having in a certain area of the house. Tomorrow is a town day so I will also pick up insulation and a few other supplies. The pack rats have had a hay day in there. Once it is done, it will make a huge difference in heating in that particular room. I will close it off permanently as it is never used.

    We had a little fella over for an early trick or treat on Sunday. His parents have a home business and cannot come on Halloween. It was a hoot. :) He's my only trick or treat cutie pie. We decorate for him, have treats, laughs, and some giant ( saucer size) homemade cookies to take away. I call a few other neighbours to organize it for him so he can trick or treat like the town kids, even if it is on a much smaller scale. Made my month. :)
    Sjoerd, Daniel W and Pacnorwest like this.
  2. Pacnorwest

    Pacnorwest Hardy Maple

    May 16, 2018
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    Wow what a report on the house and storage area and tank clean out. I dread if or when we have to have the pump guy come out again. Last time what a nightmare… long story short…so many things happen that makes ya go mmmmmmm.

    All in all your Holloween guest appearance was the high light of the past couple days. Happy times.

    I admit I was a bit curious about what you meant about the ladders , however , I’m not even going to ask. I can just imagine. So sorry.

    Well here we are at the end of October and soon snow will fill our landscapes. I hope it will be an average winter , no winter weather records breaking . Hope you have time to enjoy the up coming seasons without any more stress, ladders, crawl spaces , critters or temperature issue in your home . It’s always something.
    Sending good vibes your way.
    Melody Mc., Sjoerd and Daniel W like this.
  3. Oreti

    Oreti Young Pine

    Mar 19, 2024
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    Oh @Netty you sound just like me !!! I have a massive job list that is growing longer and longer by the second!!!!!

    Our garden has never ever been so behind in having so much worked required on it. I walked through it with closed eyes now!!

    Hard as it is I have decided to prioritise much ,much more in recent months.
    Was my garden taking over my life and becoming an obsession....??? , scarily I think it was.:(

    My hubs recent health scare and now investigatory tests has driven home the fact that things needed to be changed and we needed more time together away from the temptation to 'just do a few more jobs'!
    The only guaranteed way is to go out and about away from home ( I will even garden in rain!!) and enjoy just being together with no interruptions. We're out Mon, today and Friday this week but the two remaining week days have also been set aside too with visiting my brother in his care home , a hospital results app ,and yesterday I met up with a very dear friend who like me has a hectic life with family commitments that have taken over. She has successfully had surgery this year for a brain tumour too and a catch up together was desperately needed.

    I can't do everything.... The people in my life are much, much more important to me than my garden. Time passes quickly and precious moments together are top of my 'to do list' now, and I must ease up on garden jobs so that I'm not grumpy with pain to share these times together with those I love.

    My mobility is not good at all now that the seasons have changed and I found myself trying to do the jobs my hubs would've done if he was well to save him from seeing them and stressing. But I have been in agony with pain...that I 've been trying to hide from him. My surgery date is only 9/ 10 weeks away and I have had to realise that all the outstanding jobs will not get done in time.

    Our laundry basket is full to overflowing...but we have enough clothes, towels and where's the rush... housework is half done ( upstairs was thoroughly cleaned at the weekend) the vacuum cleaner is patiently waiting for me ( as a reminder) at the bottom of the stairs to do downstairs when convenient, probably on Saturday.

    So this is my new life, lifestyle changes that were desperately needed but sadly ignored are now firmly in place. We will enjoy each day in the company of those important to us as much as we can.

    Ditch the list of chores @Netty ( they will eventually get done) and make a new list of happy things ...and do as I do and put the toilet cleaner in the bowls before going to bed at night :D:like:. Have to say you do have one positive that I don't have...a dishwasher!!!:D
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2024
    Melody Mc., Netty, Daniel W and 2 others like this.
  4. Pacnorwest

    Pacnorwest Hardy Maple

    May 16, 2018
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    @Oreti your moment of clarity is expressed exceptionally well. When life changes come along it’s time to make a few new adjustments and decisions to protect ourselves , loved ones, family and friends. Putting yourself first always and keep strong emotionally and physically as best as possible. Many friends here understand all to well your new circumstances that are inevitable for many of us as we move up in age.
    As many adjustments in life has been difficult experiences along this journey, has now accumulated a pronounced sense of loving gratitude for each and every day.
    Sending gentle hugs and good vibes across the pond. :heart::)
    Melody Mc., Oreti and Sjoerd like this.

  5. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Oreti— You have a lot on your plate at the moment. My heart goes out to you two. Please keep us posted. Take’r easy and mind how you go.

    Mel— Really good to hear from you, lass. You have been so busy over there. I hope you can take a rest soon.
    Melody Mc., Oreti and Pacnorwest like this.
  6. Daniel W

    Daniel W Hardy Maple

    Nov 18, 2021
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    Southwest Washington State USA
    @Melody Mc. you should write a book about your adventures. I would be the first to buy it.
  7. Daniel W

    Daniel W Hardy Maple

    Nov 18, 2021
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    Southwest Washington State USA
    Nobody can do everything, @Oreti. Wisdom comes in making that realization.

    I like the idea of "Keep what gives you joy" (Marie Kondo). If the hassle is too much, it's ok to make some choices.

    I've been working on that for a year or two. I think I have a winter to go, to make my garden less work and fewer excuses for messes, and more tidy but with much less to maintain. I'm slowly getting there. There will still be a garden and orchard, but less is more in this case.
    Melody Mc., Oreti and Pacnorwest like this.
  8. Oreti

    Oreti Young Pine

    Mar 19, 2024
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    Thank you all for listening to my moans yesterday.x
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2024
  9. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Oreti— mate, you can moan here anytime you want. Sometimes it helps to do that. You know you have pals here.
    Melody Mc., Oreti and Pacnorwest like this.
  10. Oreti

    Oreti Young Pine

    Mar 19, 2024
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    Aww bless you @Sjoerd thanks.

    Please to say that Hubs check up went well and after another ECG they said his heart was looking good. There is a surgical procedure he could have but for the time being they recommend he sticks with the 2 lots of meds. He will be seen again after Christmas.
    A good news day at last.:smt026
    Melody Mc., Frank, Sjoerd and 2 others like this.
  11. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Cheers, Oreti.
    It sounds like a good result at the Doc’s.
    I am so happy for you and your man.
    Melody Mc., Pacnorwest and Oreti like this.
  12. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    Good Sunday morning all! Currently -4°C and sunny. The frost is glistening and it sure looks pretty. Weatherman says sunny and high of 12°C today.
    I took the dog out at 4am and we could hear 2 owls hooting back and forth. Thunder was a little bit nervous about it and didn't want to do his business. He did finally 'go' and then I took him inside and went back outside with my Merlin Bird ID app. I identified the 2 owls as Great Horned Owls and it made me smile. My app says they are rare and here I have 2 of them!
    We've been for our walk, and now I'm having a coffee and planning my day. I have 4 gardens left to clean out, so with any luck I can get at least 2 done today. Then I'd like to have a fire and burn the brush pile in the backyard. I'm trying to take advantage of the nice weather and get things done!
    Have a great day all :)
    Pacnorwest, Oreti, Melody Mc. and 2 others like this.
  13. Daniel W

    Daniel W Hardy Maple

    Nov 18, 2021
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    Southwest Washington State USA
    This "getting older" thing certainly has its challenges! Congrats on the good news, and may the post-Christmas report be as good or better. I hope you are getting some respite too. It's not easy, being there for someone.
  14. Melody Mc.

    Melody Mc. Young Pine

    Feb 4, 2022
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    Brisith Columbia, Canada
    @Netty - I didn't know of such an APP. Thanks for sharing that. I'm happy that you got to hear those beautiful birds. We have Great Greys here, and even after 10+ years Angus still barks when he hears their hoots.

    I'm taking a lazy day today with Hubby as it rains and blows outside. We were snowing most of the day yesterday, and then it turned to rain so most of the snow is gone now. We are just above freezing and the mountains are still accumulating snow. Angus had fun in the snow yesterday.

    Most of the clean up and prep under the house is done now. Tomorrow morning I will begin insulating. It's too small/short of a space for Hubby to comfortably work in right now. I could not believe the cost increase of a bag R 15 fiberglass insulation. It's increased 90% in the last two years. What normally would have cost $10 - $15 , now costs $80 with taxes. No wonder housing costs are so dramatically high. I only needed two batts, but that still stung. $160 vs $30 two years ago. A wee bit of robbery going on there.

    I'll be glad to be done with this job. The Itchy, scratchy and smelly show. :)

    @Daniel W - a book. That made me giggle. My school boy humour went straight to what to title it. hahahaha
    Sjoerd and Pacnorwest like this.
  15. Oreti

    Oreti Young Pine

    Mar 19, 2024
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    Thanks @Daniel W , yes we're not keen on this growing old malarkey much either......but we're in it together :):like:.
    Melody Mc., Sjoerd and Pacnorwest like this.

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