Lakes Showers

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by Doghouse Riley, Dec 16, 2024.

  1. Doghouse Riley

    Doghouse Riley Young Pine

    Oct 17, 2019
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    South Manchester
    Twenty-odd years ago, I fitted this bathroom suite some shelves and cabinets. The bathroom is only as long as the bath.


    But I saved some tiles and floor laminate, as I anticipated it would, at some time, become more difficult for my wife to get in and out. The bath would have to go and be replaced by a walk-in shower.

    This came thirteen years ago, so I bought a Lakes shower and some new units, but I got someone to do the work of removing the bath re-tiling where necessary and fitting the shower and new units.
    There were cheaper shower enclosures available, but I liked the look of this one.

    Over the week-end a stop came off the rail for one of the doors.

    I e-mailed Lakes yesterday, and enclosed this photo of the shower so they could identify which model it was.
    A lady e-mailed back this morning to tell me that the doorstops come under the lifetime guarantee and she would send me a complete set for both doors, I'd just have to pay the postage.

    The door seals, you'll see, have gone very yellow. There's six, including two magnet ones where the doors meet when closed. I'd checked on eBay and seen that they'd average around £10 each. There would also be no guarantee that they would fit properly.


    I replied to thank her and I mentioned about the door seals. I said I appreciated that it wasn't the fault of the shower, it was the action of light on them for over a decade. So if I wanted to replace them, how much would they cost?
    She replied almost immediately to say, those too came under the life-time guarantee, so she'd also send me those, for just the cost of the postage. They come in a two-metre tube, so will cost me £30. But I'm not complaining.

    I was completely unaware that there was a life-time guarantee on these things.
    Sjoerd, Nate77 and Melody Mc. like this.
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  3. Daniel W

    Daniel W Hardy Maple

    Nov 18, 2021
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    Southwest Washington State USA
    That's great, Riley they have a life-time guarantee. I suspect it's a rare thing too. I doubt that happens in the US.
    Sjoerd, Melody Mc. and Doghouse Riley like this.
  4. Melody Mc.

    Melody Mc. Young Pine

    Feb 4, 2022
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    Brisith Columbia, Canada
    That is fabulous news DHR. You work so hard at maintaining a beautiful and well functioning home - it's nice to get a break from a reputable business. I'm happy for you.
    Sjoerd, Pacnorwest and Doghouse Riley like this.
  5. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Riley—What an interesting account. Who knew.

  6. Doghouse Riley

    Doghouse Riley Young Pine

    Oct 17, 2019
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    South Manchester
    It was a golf day today, but when I got home after lunch, the door seals and door stops had been delivered a day early.

    As I have other jobs to do tomorrow, I decided to get this one done this afternoon. The door stop was straightforward and the old seals came off pretty easily, but the new ones put up a bit of a fight. They obviously need to be a tight fit, as you don't want them to fall off. So they needed a bit of "fettling." I just warmed them up a bit with a hair dryer as I put them on.

    I reversed one of the door handles a few years ago, which gave my wife something to hold on if necessary, when she was in there. We've had "proper"disabled rails fitted since she came home from hospital.
    Social Services fitted the long one (it's not quite level, typical!). The short vertical one I fitted later.

    All finished.
    I'm glad I changed the door seals as the old ones were bugging m
    Sjoerd and Pacnorwest like this.
  7. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    All’s well that ends well, eh?
    That really is good work. I wish I was so handy.
    Doghouse Riley likes this.

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