Hi, my kalanchoe leaves' have been facing some issues, but I don't know what it is. No visible pests, etc. I had a couple of kalanchoe trough the years, never had anything similar. I repotted it, used some new fertilizer, but it doesn't seem to go away. I am thankful for any advice.
Just a couple of guesses or two. Maybe too much water. Do you let the top inch of soil dry out before watering. Another question… what type of light is your plant exposed and temps. Once the leaves brown its best to remove them they don not green back up only to progressively worsen. How old is the plant ? It could also be just age of the leaf and time to go and new leaves will form up the stems. If you want to make a thicker leafy plant then pinch out the top Parellel leafs from the top. This will force the plant to leaf out down the stem . Continue to pinch out the top tiny leaves at each top or end of stems until the plant is at a higher leaf density throughout. Depending on your growing zone to much or to little light can also cause browning . Succulents need grit in their soil to keep the roots from rotting and good air circulation.
Thank you! Currently, it's wintertime here, so not that much of light, but it's not as dark as it was last winter. Indoors it's about ~20C. The plant is pretty old, ~3 years I think. I will most definitely try your technique, thank you for sharing.