Last week I showed the first daff tips in our garden. Today there are these: This is a Hazel tree. We were warned that there was a high level of pollen in the air— this is why. It is another sign of Spring innit.
Sjoerd has a Hazelnut or called a cobnut tree or European Filbert, showing foliage botanicals called catkins. Hark! Your Hazelnut flowers are emerging! I am obsessed with these blossoms. They are actually clusters of flowers called “catkins,” with separate “male” and “female” structures. I fight these trees every year. A royal pain really for announcing to every squirrel in the county, “Dinner Here!”. But the dogs luv the nuts too. Once the squirrels cracks them open from the outer shell in the trees the nuts fall to the ground and they are free pickens for all. Natures little helpers. Well maybe not so much. More like natures little nightmares. Calling all squirrels… Well I know there’s more than one way to look at nature. I know Sjoerd could not have possibly imagined I would go off and let something become an influence and relate a tiny innocent catkin to my squirrel wars that beast I have fought for years.
Very nice, Sjoerd! I saw some daffs starting to emerge from the ground, and some elephant garlic (they were sold as allium flowers, but I'm pretty sure they are just elephant garlic). It's a challenge to my mind, harbingers of Spring before New Year's.
Pac— mate I sure do lurve reading your posts… especially the running commentary on te running pests that drive you to distraction. You really do earn respect for your persistence. Trying to keep those those bad boys at bay really does take time away real gardening. The hazel catkins are unusual and they show themselves very, very early in the season here. I do not usually notice them unless I bump into them or begin sneezing. There are different types with different appearances. Anyway….they are also a tad early here this year. Daniel— I know what you mean about harbingers before New Years’. It is a head-scratcher. I am wondering what the Alliums-E.garlics will look like when they flower. Did you buy them as whites or a shade of purple?
More catkins from the Filbert trees. They are loaded this time of year. The sun finally showed up at 12:30PM and a sun break from the rain. Now can get a pic for you. Hazelnuts is a huge export for Oregon. The U.S. is the leading exporter at 49%. These catkins are just starting to release pollen. Let the sneezing begin. A-A-A-AH—-CHOOOO !!!!
Yesterday one fell across the east pasture onto the fence. I had a very squished fence and lots of limbs and huge trunk to cut thru with my battery op chain saw. It’s been very rainy/windy with gusts up to 60mph. At least one nut tree gone to keep those evil nut crackers that climb the trees and bury their cache thruout the garden. Tons of new seedlings pop up everywhere the next season. It’s always something, Huh!
Well … THE good news …the New Year is coming , hoping for a calm winter. No more surprises. Not just in the US for everyone. Bad news …. It’s always something. Keeping my fingers crossed. Sending the weather fairies to help keep old man winter at bay.