I have always wanted to grow an Amaryllis, and @Pacnorwest's encouragement had me seeking one. They wouldn't ship to me on line due to the colder temperatures ( no living items that may freeze). I finally had the good timing to find one in the local little hardware store. The variety is Apple Blossom. When it came out of the box, it already had new growth. I potted into a larger pot than the one provided, as I'm hoping to keep it going after the blossoms are spent. I am a little concerned about the damaged shoot that was present when I opened it. It's only been four days, and the main shoot has grown considerably. I'm assuming this will be where the blossoms come from. Has anyone had this type of damage? I'm hoping it will just grow out, although I'm unsure if it is going to be leaves? Any advice from the Amaryllis growers out there would be appreciated. I'm very excited to finally be able to grow this beauty.
Melody Mc. It’s snowing in the pic…snow pic looks so peaceful. Isn’t it nice to know your amaryllis will be blooming soon. It looks good. So far a couple of my Hippeastrum are sending up blooms. I have to add grow flowering lights the cloud gods have turned off the light for winter. Not even a window during the day will work .
Thank you - I was worried about the mashed part that is sticking out, that perhaps I wouldn't get leaves. The spike is definitely growing every day. @Pacnorwest - I looked up Hippeastrum and from what I understand, what we are calling Amaryllis is actually Hippeastrum? "It’s unclear whether the plant cataloged as Amaryllis was a true Amaryllis (Amaryllis belladonna) from South Africa or a Hippeastrum (Hippeastrum equestre) from South America. The plant scientists argued until finally in 1987 the International Botanical Congress decided that the flower being sold as Amaryllis all over the country was in actuality Hippeastrum. But the name Amaryllis has remained." May I ask Pac, if I have that large bud on top of the spike, does it mean mine will flower? When do you know if you need grow lights to get it to bloom?
Very nice explaination . The bulbs from south of the equator will bloom in late spring -summer again during the next summer- once the first bloom for the Holiday season is complete. The bulbs grown north of the equator will grow in late winter-spring once the holiday bloom is spent. Remove the blooms at the top of the bulb and strappy leaves will grow thruout the season to revitalize the energy in the bulb for next season blooms. Grow as an house plant or when temps are warm to place outside until next July. At the end of fall…Cut the strappy leaves off to top of the bulb, place in a dark cool place to rest.In oct replant bulbs for another holiday bloom. There are also belladonna bulbs that are hardy bulbs thru cooler temps to last out in gardens thru winters that bloom outside in July - sept. I leave them in ground even in 5F. Good drainage is key. At the top of your stalk now showing where the swollen tip section is located is where the flower bud is forming. It will be a beauty soon. Looking foreword to pi’c’s of your Amaryllis bloom .
Very nice, Mel! I bought one at the hardware store, too. I was an annoying customer and opened the boxes to check. A lot of their bulbs had been growing and were all bent over from the box. I did close them nicely, so no harm done. The one that I bought is sending out a bloom spike like yours. Maybe they well bloom at the same time . I over-summered the one that I grew last year. I neglected it, and no fertilizer, but it was in a large pot and had green leaves all summer. I don't know if it was dormant long enough - didn't keep track. I moved it to the sunroom a week ago and gave it some water. I think yours looks great!
Thanks Daniel. I really appreciate that. I'm REALLY REALLY LOVING watching something green grow and waiting for flowers. ( Did I mention I'm really loving that? Your experience helps a lot - thank you my friend.)
Great going, Mel. You realise that the large bud on top of the long stem usually has more than one flower in it, right? They are so delightful, aren’t they? Do you plan on holding it over?
It looks like it is beginning to split in two, so I hope for two flowers. I'm very excited Sjoerd. They look so exotic, especially when the world is cold and white outside. My plan is to hold it over. I don't think I could ever discard the bulb unless I had to. I'm all in now
Mel— I lurve your enthusiasm, it takes me back to when I kept them. Gosh, I enjoyed them so much. There are so many colours and colour combinations. I did not find holding them over difficult. I just kept them inside until all chance od frost was over. I set the bulb just barely in the soil…just the roots actually. And left them all summer long, giving water if necessary. Then in september, I lifted the bulbs, cut the leaves off close to the bulbs, wrapped the bulbs in newspaper and stuck them in a cardboard box in the garage until december…then the fun began all over again. What fun it was. I sincerely hope you will like it too. You really MURST keep us posted. Bonne chance, lass.
I'm a little late sharing, but I have to say that I cannot believe I have not grown one of these beautiful flowers before. They have filled the house with joy. And I was lucky enough to get two flushes This one came in early December. then this popped up..... And just in time for my family to see....this began to open December 29th. I don't have any sign of leaves yet, so I hope they come. @Sjoerd, I am very excited to try and keep it over. I'd like to acquire a red one next year. And I'll be sending one to my daughters to enjoy.
@Melody Mc. Beautiful Hippeastrum, lovely colors and cheer for the Holidays. Looks like H. ‘Apple Blossom’ . The blooms last for weeks.
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful ! I really like that pink and white one. May I ask why you cut the leaves back? If you plan to hold your bulbs over, the bulbs will need to have leaves. That is how the plant builds the bulb back up for the coming season. You may notice that the big, fat bulb has begun to shrink inside its dry, brown skin. If the bulb does not re-swell, it will struggle to have the strength to produce new flower stems. Just asking, mate.
Thank you for the kind feedback Always so welcome. I really am in love with this flower. You are correct of course Pac, its Apple blossom. Thanks for asking Sjoerd. I actually haven't seen any leaves at all. The bulb came like that, with just a little tattered smattering of something on the side, which is where the second stalk emerged from. After the blooms on the first stalk faded and were wilted for a couple days I cut the flower stem/stalk back to about 2 inches. Still no sign of leaves. The second stalk came from the tattered little bundle at the bottom. I'm not even sure when the leaves should present themselves, but so far nothing. I'm hoping they come. The little torn bits at the bottom of the second stalk look like they may have wanted to be leaves at some point. I was planning on treating it like a daffodil once the leaves emerged. Let them do their thing until they thought it was time to fade away. Then store the bulb. Hopefully the leaves show up and I didn't get a damaged bulb.