I feel certain that @marlingardener posted something a lot like this. I searched but didn't find it. Maybe it bears repeating?
That had us in stitches (we’ll soon have a quilt). That Marlin…of course she is all over this list. Oh no, that sounds wrong. Hang on. That Marlin is right on top of that. Number five. No, no, that doesn’t sound right either. I’ d better stop before this hole gets to deep.
Why do eggs come in flimsy cardboard or styrofoam cartons, and batteries come in a package it takes a hacksaw to open?
Very good question, Marlin. I wish you had not posed this irritating question. It is a brain-cracker. Daniel— thinking back to those ten commandments: Number 5. You know, maybe I should write myself a little yellow post-it and stick it on the back of the loo so that I can read it as I pee. The note would say, “Remember, YOU HAVE EATEN RED BEETROOT”.
I love board games. My favorite is to put meat and cheese on a board, along with some crackers and olives, and let the games begin!