I’m reaching out desperately for help with my beloved mango tree. I live in Miami, Florida, where the weather should be perfect for it, and I grew this tree from a seed and planted it in my backyard when it was bigger. It’s been thriving ever since, and I’ve cared for it so much—it’s like my baby. I would be absolutely heartbroken if something happens to it. Lately, it’s been looking off, and I don’t know what’s wrong. • Some of the lower leaves are browning and have spots. • The top leaves are turning completely brown and dying off. • The tree is putting out new little growths, which look okay, but it hasn’t had a big growth spurt in a while. I’ve attached pictures to show what’s going on. Please, please, please—if you have experience with mango trees or any thoughts on what could be happening, I’m begging you to chime in. Any advice, diagnosis, or help would mean the world to me. If anyone needs more or clearer pictures to help figure out what’s going on, please let me know—I’ll gladly take and share them! Thank you so much in advance for taking the time to help. I’m really hoping someone can point me in the right direction before it gets worse.
Hello and welcome, it could be the soil that it's in, if you planted it the same depth that it was in the pot. It could be that it was grown from seed instead of grafted. Check to see if it has any pests under the leaves. I haven't grown mangos and don't know much about them.
I am not familiar with growing tropical mango plants , I live and garden on the northwest coast of the US. Your gardening in Florida the southeastern coastal zone of the US. Looks like it could be a fungus. I googled , “Fungus in Mango trees” and found the link below about mango fungus for comparison to the pictures and treatment for your mango plant. https://plantpath.ifas.ufl.edu/misc/media/factsheets/pp0023.pdf
Hi. I hope you can save your tree. My rhubarb did something similar last summer. I am in Missouri zone 6b, so not much help.