What have you done today in the Garden?

Discussion in 'Fruit and Veg Gardening' started by razyrsharpe, Jan 20, 2014.

  1. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Clay— the only ones in that row that I recognise over here are the “cylindra”. I have grown that one off and on for twenty years. My Bride and I call them, “soldaatjes”, or Little Soldiers.
    I find their flavour especially good. When the voles are bad here, I do not grow them because they seem to find the flavour also very good.

    We eat them on their own but also with Chioggia beetroots. Do you know these beauties? When you cut them open to eat them raw on a salad, they are the ones that have red and white rings. Beautiful raw, but they look awful cooked— that is why we mix a bit of red beetroot in with them to give them a better cooked colour.

    BTW— Have you grown the cylindra’s before? If so, how did you like them, mate?

    It is always such a thrill to get those seed ordes, isn’t it. Mine ought to be in too a coupla weeks.

    Riley— Good news for the little creatures. The pagoda. Yes, your red work there always reminds me of Bateman’s work at Biddulph Grange. You are a capable person.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2025
    Willowisp0801, Jewell and Logan like this.
  2. Clay_22

    Clay_22 Young Pine

    Jun 4, 2010
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    Wallkill,NY 6a
    @Sjoerd I've grown Chioggia before a few years ago.
    Willowisp0801, Logan and Sjoerd like this.
  3. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Oké. I did not know. I hope you liked it.
    Willowisp0801 and Logan like this.
  4. Daniel W

    Daniel W Hardy Maple

    Nov 18, 2021
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    Southwest Washington State USA
    Today I pruned the final two fig trees. One didn't need much. The other needed a lot. Now it's done.

    One hen has been reliably laying an egg a day for ten days. I wonder when the others will resume. Or did they go through henopause? I think this spring we will add some baby chicks.
    Kay, Willowisp0801, Jewell and 3 others like this.

  5. Doghouse Riley

    Doghouse Riley Young Pine

    Oct 17, 2019
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    South Manchester
    Nothing to do in the garden today, but "for something to do," I went to B&Q near the Trafford Centre.
    My wife had mentioned (twice) recently, that lower one of the peace lilies in the hanging baskets in the hall was dying.
    This is because it gets less light from the window next to the landing on the stairs. What I should do, is swop them over regularly, but you know how it is.

    The lilies in a vase on the landing windowsill are artificial.

    So I decided to replace them. But the only ones they had were about two feet tall. So I settled for two white Anthuriums at a tenner each.



    The other peace lily is OK, for which I found a ceramic pot and it's now in the lounge.

    I bought two paving stones for the hedgehouse base I need and a substantial plastic box I can convert to a new hedgehog feeder.

    I'll have to do a bit of "fettling" to attach the entrance tube as the box has a couple of strengthening bars on each end. I'll use a fretsaw to cut the plastic, as they split easily.
    I also bought a bag of compost, "for the sake of buying some," it always comes in handy.

    But no change out of £55.
    Willowisp0801, Jewell, Logan and 2 others like this.
  6. Clay_22

    Clay_22 Young Pine

    Jun 4, 2010
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    Wallkill,NY 6a
    @Sjoerd first year with Cylindra I will let you know.
  7. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Clay—Oké, much obliged.

    Daniel— henopause. ;)
    Willowisp0801, Logan and AAnightowl like this.
  8. Kay

    Kay Girl with Green Thumbs

    Dec 30, 2009
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    Lincoln, Nebraska
    I keep busy indoors with my extensive collection of houseplants. I do the rounds every day to check their needs and do primping and such.
    I pruned back my Pothos (10 potted plants, 5 growing in water) I share cuttings.

    Last weekend I hooked up a hose and watered several evergreens in my garden. It’s been warm, and the ground just sucks up that water! It feels good to get outdoors for fresh air.
    I stare out the big back window and review in my head all my plans for Spring.
    Willowisp0801, Jewell, Logan and 2 others like this.
  9. Doghouse Riley

    Doghouse Riley Young Pine

    Oct 17, 2019
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    South Manchester
    As it wasn't too cold today, (+8c) I decided to get on with making the new, "hedgehog feeding station."
    The plastic storage box I bought from B&Q was more substantial than the old one. Which was cracked in a few places and "hanging."
    This one is intended to store suspended files, so it needs to be strong.
    Should be, for £17.

    The floor is reinforced. So as that becomes the roof, it should not split. A problem, sometimes, when plastic spends a lot of hours in the sun.
    Likewise, the lid, which becomes the floor.


    To fit the entry tunnel, I hade make a lot of small holes with a drill, as a Stanley knife won't cut it. Then join them all up with the blade of a fretsaw.


    The old entrance surrounds wouldn't fit, so I had to make new ones for both sides.


    Like the old ones, I covered them with waterproof tape before screwing them together.

    All done and dusted. It's far more sturdy than the old one.
    I'll put it out with just pellets in it, at the beginning of March, replace the trail cameras and see what happens.

  10. AAnightowl

    AAnightowl Young Pine

    Apr 29, 2011
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    Yesterday, I got out and was scattering seeds for zinnias, marigolds and echinacea and black eyed susans in various flower beds and containers. They won't mind the cold, and will sprout later when the weather warms up. I still have huge amounts of seeds, so I probably will share some with friends. I can put some in zipper bags. It got up to 60F today, and is currently 44 after 10 pm. I also put out morning glory seeds. These are a deep cobalt blue with the purple centers. I put them where they can climb freely.

    My rhubarb, yarrow, hollyhocks, and a few others are in the fridge for cold treatment. One you tuber said that rhubarb could be started now? (I forget if he meant indoors or outdoors). The yarrow is also a perennial, and ought to be okay to plant any time now. I might try starting my sweet potatoes indoors this week? Hollyhocks are biennials.

    Has anyone grown mullein? I was given seeds for that, and have a lot of seeds.... It is a wild plant and perennial. I am not sure yet where I want to plant some.
  11. Logan

    Logan Strong Ash

    Dec 9, 2018
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    Redditch Worcestershire UK
    Hubby's been clearing a corner in the back garden. He's been cutting off the old leaves on the hellebores, cutting off the old canes on the blackberries and pruning a apple tree.
  12. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Kay— oh, you make me so very jealous with the nice weather in your garden.

    Riley— Gobsmacked at your work. So professional, so thoughtful. That is a work of art.
    Kay, Logan, Jewell and 2 others like this.
  13. Willowisp0801

    Willowisp0801 In Flower

    Mar 23, 2020
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    Milwaukee, WI

    • 17381752958483905706330934440415.jpg 1738175383847172390161207031288.jpg
    • I put down weed cloth between my beds and covered it with leaves. I still have to lay some at the end of the beds where my grapes/trellis are and down the side of the left bed. My back was starting to ache, and I need a heavier hammer to pound in the staples. We're up to 40F today tomorrow is supposed to be 43. So I'm hoping to finish it tomorrow.
    Clay_22, Pacnorwest, Sjoerd and 4 others like this.
  14. Jewell

    Jewell Incorrigible Gardener Plants Contributor

    Dec 17, 2008
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    Puget Sound Region of the Pacific NW,Zone7b
    Washed and refreshed the hummingbird feeders. The freezing temperatures continue.
  15. AAnightowl

    AAnightowl Young Pine

    Apr 29, 2011
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    It was about 60 again today, so I was able to work outdoors again. I worked on one of my flower beds cleaning it out, and was pruning my wisteria vine near the chicken coop. Wisteria vines get way out of hand. They are calling for rain overnight. I have tried pulling some of the weeds and excess seedlings, but they don't come out yet. The ground is still frozen in a lot of places.
    Clay_22, Logan, Jewell and 3 others like this.

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