Being in zone 6a; for me January marks planning, going through my seeds, ordering what I need. Also checking my 1020 trays for damage etc. Also seeing what other supplies I may need before my seed starting in February. What are the rest of you in to this month.
January is when we order our spuds. An extra thing to do is preparing ourselves for the upcoming tomato trial. The seeds that we ordered will be coming in one of these days. I have a plan for carrying out the January fruit tree pruning once the weather improves.
Loggie— I do love croci. It is so sad that the rodents that I cannot catch in my lottie dig them up and eat them. I used to have more than 100 clumps. In fact, I grew Crocus sativus. Do you know that one? Here is my earlier posting:
@Sjoerd The many wonderful ‘Saffron’ crocus of your pics remind me of their precious worth in the garden. And have the same issues with the vermin here too. It’s just maddening, and critter bait is something I just finally gave up suppling the ground critters any more attractions . I really miss their bright little blooms that bloom in Autumn here.
Sjoerd yes i do know that crocus and it's a shame that the rodents get yours. Around here people have trouble with squirrels getting the bulbs up but i don't, but sometimes have trouble with foxes this time of year.
January for me is an indoors winter time with everything frozen probably for a couple more months. I'm planning my gardens and cleaning up my garden notes and thoughts to myself from last year. This week sometime I will set up some grow lights in my daughters room and start my onions and leeks. I may start some asparagus seed this year, but have decided against the artichokes for one more year. Their vernalization period requires constant monitoring and I don't think I'll have the time for that this year. ( which is a bit of a bummer as I bought some purple artichoke seed. But it will be there next year ).
Have spud starts in the kitchen and a friend gave me a gift of paper whites that are sitting in a west window. Moved my planters of chives to an area I hope the deer can’t reach. The chives are trying to grow and the deer have eaten them to the soil and even pawed in the planters. Will be fencing my garden beds this summer. Kind of wish some neighbors liked venison.
Jewell— I have to laugh in a bitter-sweet way at that, but this raiding of your herb garden has to stop!
Those irritating, pesky deer! They are a bigger challenge here than weeds, moles, and raccoons. Good luck with your chives!