Gorgeous day here today, loads of bulbs are pushing upwards now and lots of Daffodils showing their bulging blooms heads that are still snuggled up encased in their protective leaves. Managed ( with difficulty) to snap some pics this afternoon during my afternoon exercise hobble....crutches do get in the way!!!! Hellebores.... Crocus. Snowdrops Bulbs emerging. A time of year that fills your heart with hope.
Oreti has some fancy hellebores very nice blooms . A nd a few similar to the Wedding Party in my garden. These flowers are deer and ground squirrel proof. Logan nice bloom too. More will be popping.
Oreti— very nice blooms you are sowing. Wow. I had to look back a couple of times because I enjoyed them so much. Loggie— that is a pretty one. I am jealous again.
@Logan and @Oreti hellebores and snowdrops are my favs. Beautiful! ‘my gems have been slow to revive from transplanting them to a less than ideal environment. Looks like I will have some blooms this year. I have Mardi Gras in a variety of different colors. This morning we have snow again from last night.
A belated sorry for my late response. Thanks for your kind comments @Logan , @Pacnorwest , @Sjoerd , @Daniel W and @Jewell .xx
Hi there Pac, Hope all is good with you. I may be jinxcing things by saying this...but yeah I think I've turned the corner now and heading on up a smoother pathway. This Thursday I suddenly noticed I have a bit more bend in my knee. The pain is much more bearable and judging by the feeling of being bombarded with tiny electric shocks during the day I guess all the nerve endings are happily enjoying a reunion . I'm seeing the Surgeon on Thursday . I'm determined not to have to go down the path of having a manipulation performed so I'm sticking religiously to the exercises drawn up by the Physiotherapist. I have written out a daily plan sheet to incorporate all 13 exercises ,doing one an hour and paying attention to the detail of getting my stance correct as I was told how some patients whizz through their daily exercises ( mainly to just to ✓ them off) not doing them properly......it was far better to take time doing fewer exactly correctly then doing the whole program wrongly and doing damage, 4 hourly icings with either the knee cuff or with my preferred choice.... my good old trusty bag of frozen peas. My knee is still swollen with the degree being variable throughout the day, but that is to be expected apparently now that I'm doing the more serious exercises to increase ROM. I have also scheduled in times to elevate my leg for 15mins periods throughout the day.....which I had to admit to the Physiotherapist that I had not previously done...apparently it is important to incorporate this into my daily routine too Surprisingly all this keeps me busy non stop as everything is performed at the speed of a Tortoise......!! I must be healing well because I now find myself doing bits of housework that until now I have allowed to slip by. Hubs has been brilliant but certain little things are easily missed ......normally such ' little things ' would stand out to me like a sore thumb, but I have kept the promise that I made to myself to leave things be and focus on trying to achieve the best recovery outcome possible. I have a lounge filled with Tulips....friends have been popping round bringing me bouquets of them!!! Greatly appreciated as they are all beautiful and uplifting. Unfortunately I have yet to conquer the challenge of being able to manage any garden related tasks. I had hoped I might have been able to attempt a bit of compost prepping to allow me to, maybe, be able to sow at least a couple of seed trays next month as yet my knee complains if I make it there and back from the nursery area and due to a panel that runs across at the base of the greenhouse door that I can't ,as yet, manage to lift my leg over with confidence I have decided it's best not to take any chances. So our garden will most likely be somewhat less colourful this year. Never mind it's a small price to pay for having a knee that functions without complaining so much!! I must say I do miss going out though. We normally go out and about daily and have lunch out at least twice a week...so miss that. Cafe / pub catch ups too with my friends and the cinema trips ...typically some good films have just been released.... , but I know I wouldn't be able to manage to sit still in one position for 2 hours yet. I love my home but I also like and need to socialise with friends and family regularly too. I aim to walk around the garden 3- 4 times a day, each trip takes about 10- 15 minutes. I try to include different surfaces to walk on depending on the weather. Patios on varying levels is an everyday task as our house is surrounded by them, shingled pathways ( a tad cautious of them still as having fused feet makes balancing correctly to minimise knee strain difficult at times), bricks pathways that slope slightly and finally walking on the grass areas too...if not too soggy!! So yes all is getting less painfully good. Just don't have anything to contribute to on the forum sadly...apart from the weather!!! Take care now xx