@Logan beautiful hellebores. They are doing their thing bloomin out in my garden too. Lot’s of new seedlings popping up from last seasons flowers. They truely hold the spotlight for cold weather flowers.
Oreti So nice to see blooms in your garden.Hellebores lead the garden floral parade in late winter with cheerful flowers . They set the stage for more blooms to come. 28 days til Spring. Who’s counting ?
Oreti— oh, it sure is. I am absolutely ready for Spring. By the way, how’s that knee coming along? Your outside flowers certainly are gorgeous.
Kind of you to ask @Sjoerd ......getting there slowly ( way too slowly for impatient me). Good days and bad days, today is a bad one unfortunately...I think I'm to blame though in asking it to do more than it can currently cope with. It's so hard not to be outside on a lovely sunny day, the temptation is so very hard to resist isn't it.