I agree… the gardens around our little town are slowly waking from very confusing winter temperatures.
A camellia started to bloom. We had moved it from the old house, about six years ago. That was a big set-back for the poor plant. The Spring is the first for it to flower again. It's covered with flower buds now.
Daniel that is gorgeous! I just looked it up and Camellia is only hardy to zone 7 so I won't be able to grow them here
Loggie—Gorgeous croci. That is a real joy to see. Daniel— That camellia is so lovely to see. Just lovely. You must be well chuffed with that.
Smaller Camellia has suddenly erupted into bloom but the bigger one is taking it at a slower pace it seems. Some freshly sprung Daffs.
This camellia shrub produces flowers of many different colors and variations on the same plant, Lady Vansittart .
Thank you Oreti and of course the daffodils are starting to bloom. Soon their bright colors will be lighting up the gardens. I keep forgetting to get pics of the hellebores.