We have been having strong winds across Texas, which means a lot of west Texas is now in central Texas. The only good thing about it is the sunrises and sunsets we get. This is not the moon, but the sun at 7:30 a.m. I won't mention having to spray the vegetation because of the dust coating on it!
This forum needs more emoticon options under "Like" without having to respond to a post. This is a great example... this poor soul is suffering thru horrible conditions and the only way to acknowledge their post is with a flower with a happy face !!? Its almost like saying, "oh, I'm glad your having dust storms." Where is the "frowning face" for posts like this, Or a "shocked " face ? How about a "rofl" face is you find someones post really funny. A "sad" face, and all the others that you are capable of using if you actually post a reply. I don"t want to take away from this poor souls unfortunate conditions but I would like to have responded with an emotion much different than a happy flower. Don't make me pursue legal options, I can take this all the way to the Supreme Court if I have to. Anyway, Marlingardener ...hang in there and things will get better.
This is awful !! I hope you are wearing some sort of mask to protect your lungs as you just don't know what kind of virus or bacteria may be coming along with the dust. I hope it clears up soon !! And @Jersey Devil we were spoiled for choice on the "old" forum. Maybe, @Frank can manage, if it isn't too much trouble, to add choice to the "likes" banner ?
I've been watching the tornadoes that appear to have affected the southern states there, and have wondered how people have been impacted by this awful weather. Some places have been totally wiped out I understand, and there have been fatalities too. Let's hope all goes back to 'normal' soon.
No Annie, this is the ONLY forum where just one emoji is an option. If you want to pursue this any farther Annie, we can argue this before a judge ...(or should I just simply say )
Daniel, we don't wear masks, although we have them. At this time of year we aren't outside for very long (too darn chilly and nothing much is growing). If the dust storms persist into gardening season, we will be "lone rangers" (masked man and woman!). Anniekay, we're in Texas, so we don't worry about viruses and bacteria. They aren't tough enough to withstand our weather! Jerseydevil, things will get better, we know. Thanks for your concern.
Dirt, I noticed that a tornado went through Birmingham area where you are, and was worried for you and family. What damage did you have? Please tell us about it.