Living on the east coast it's that time of year. Tonight, we move our clocks ahead an hour. I personally think this an antiquated idea and why it is still being done puzzles me. But until they change it. I will once again be springing ahead. I just can't contain my excitement.
It always takes me a few weeks to get back to normal after the clocks change. I'm not sure why we still do it.
Yes, it doesn’t make sense to me at all. Someone must benefit from the rule. We had to change our clocks as well, just earlier in the year.
I don't agree with turning the clocks forward. It makes the children have to stand at the bus stop in the dark in the morning !! My 6 year old neighbor girl is afraid of the dark as are many other young children. I don't believe they take that issue into consideration. They just want people to have more daylight once they come home from work.
There are lots of arguments, pro and con DST. Brittanica has a nice discussion. Personalizing it, a few years back, a 12 year old girl was waiting at roadside for school bus, in the dark. A speeding car struck and killed her. My area is rural, no sidewalks, and people speed a lot on the roads. Also, a lot of marijuana use here. During winter, visibility is worse due to fog and rain, and roads can be slick. I drive past that location whenever I go anywhere, and think of it with horror. I think safety of the children should be the #1 priority. Im retired now. I used to have to go into work before daylight, and drive home after dark, quite a lot. Im glad not to do that any more. I don't like driving, especially in the dark. I think it depends on whether you are on the Western or Eastern edge of your time zone. Somewhere I read that all of China is on one time zone, and people just adjust their work hours as needed.
In the dead of winter by us, it would be dark out at close to 8:00 am if the clocks stayed at DST. IDK, I thought it was so children didn't have to head out for school in the dark, at least middle and high school. I could be wrong
Our clocks go forward next Sunday so that'll make it light to about 8pm here in Kent When I lived in Wales the sun used to rise from behind one mountain at 10.30am in the winter and then set behind the other mountain at 2.30 pm