I am from the mid-west and love gardening, especially to attract, hummingbirds, butterflies and birds. I put in a ton of plants last summer and fall to attract butterflies and hummingbirds but have had an unplanned move to the Middle East so I will be missing the spring and summer back home. I will be experiencing the fun of gardening, butterflies, birds and blooms from sites like this where like minded people come to share. Have a bombastic day... Andrew
Hi Andrew and a big welcome to the GardenStew community . I can totally understand wanting to relive the experience of spring and summer, I hope our site contains all the photos and descriptions you need to do this. Maybe you'd like to add yourself to our member map so we can get a batter idea of where you are Also don't forget to check out our many blogs.
Hello there Andrew lovely to 'meet' you. :-D Do take your camera absolutely everywhere you go in the Middle E?ast won't you? We are gluttons for others photographs here and love to share their experiences in different climes. Such a pity that after all your hard work in your garden back home that you won't be there this year to see the wildlife it attracts. Next year, hopefully, everything will have matured, you'll be home, and your garden will be filled with beautiful butterflies and birds.
Good meet you! Welcome from Oregon! Perhaps this is your chance to try your hand at something that needs lots and lots of sunshine.
Welcome from sunny Arizona! I gather there isn't much chance of growing anything in the Middle East while you are there. Enjoy our gardens. We post lots of pictures. I posted a butterfly picture in the members gallery just last week. Dooley
Hi Andrew, welcome to the Stew from north Texas. Hope our pictures and planting adventures give you much to enjoy while you are away from your garden. Stay Safe over there.
Hello, Andrew, welcome to the community. Just remember to keep your head down over there, the price of survival is constant vigilance. Hank in Florida
Thank you for all the hellos and welcomes. Someone asked if I take my camera with me and YES, I take tons of photos! I travel a lot (actually have travel review site) and always come back with a ton of pictures. I take a lot of pictures of flowers (most I have no idea what they are) so I'll post some of my favorites along with where I they are from. Thanks again!