Hey there, Im in the process of creating a garden design list of favourite garden plants and also most hated or common garden plants. This will be used to illustrate to my gardening students the fickle finger of taste around the world. So if your a landscaper, garden designer, home gardener or have a general interest in landscaping please post. It does not matter where you live be it Galway or Goa we all have our favourites. Thanks
Garden design. Hi there, I'm from West Lothian in Scotland and I think my favourite plants have to be mahonia (for it's wonderful scent) helebore (for it's winter flowers) Laurel, clematis, pyrocantha, fuschia and jasmine. Bulbs, well the snowdrop has to top my list and I love lilies. Wild flowers, poppies, bluebells, cowslip and teasel. The things I dislike most in the garden are creeping buttercup, dandelions and the dreaded bindweed (although it does have beautiful flowers) as they are so invasive. Hope this helps a little with your garden design list.
Great list Eileen. By the way, bindweed has to my most disliked weed as well. It's gets everywhere and is very difficult to get rid of. Aaargh! Keep 'em coming guys and gals...
I am from the western cape South Africa. Right next to dryest partds of SA the Karoo, Namaqualand and Northern Cape. Our water is restricted so landscape gardening seems all the same over here. Few trees, agave, iris and so on. I like aloes and other endemic succulents. I dislike the yellow Oxalis that was somehow imported. Sorry I do not know the name but I understand it went world-wide. We have endemic Oxalis. Beautiful and difficult to grow, it is just this yellow one that is a weed. Try to weed between aloes, they do not have teeth for nothing!
I am in Southern Ontario, and I must say that bindweed is also one of my most disliked plants. Also in my list of most disliked plants: Golden Rod, creeping buttercup, dandelions, vetch, and thistle. My favorite garden plants are Lupin, Iris, Clematis, Salvia, Bleeding Heart, Poppy, Foxglove, and Hosta.
We have an awful plant we call dollarweed. Once gotten, we cannot get rid of it. I can handle most of the rest.
garden likes and dislikes Netty that is nice and colourful. A lot of work though, but that seems what garden lovers want. to stand up with your hand on your back and groaan...
Hello. I hate yucca-we call it yucky. Love ivy though it tends to be invasive here. That yellow oxalis mentioned is a tremendous pest. Love Japanese maples, clematis, especially autumn clemmie even though she is a handful. Love sedums, pretty and easy. Love all salvias. Just full of Plant LOve. 8)
hi Bethie, they call that yellow oxalis the rat of the plant world down here in the southern part of south africa! but you know what more I found out, the %$# oxalis is endemic to south africa, Cape town area. sheessse and I was just thinking we would not produce a pest like that. having said that, it can not take the hot summers and dry winters in the northern parts of SA. I saw one for sale in a nursery in a pot. Believe it. One man's weed is another man's flower - is too true. I better run, enjoyed the chat. have some upset tummies with the kittens. Major crisis.. sigh needs action immediately.
Favorite Plants Favorite plants: My favorite plants and shrubs for foliage: Leucothoe, Akuba, Heavenly Bamboo (Nandina), Blooming Shrubs: Hydrangea, Lilac, Peony Flowers: Stella D'Oro Daylily, Everything in the Daisy Family(Asteraceae), Verbena Dislikesoison Ivy, Crown Vetch, Juniper, Thistle
Poison ivy is indeed not a favorite landscape choice. Every time I got it, my MD said it was the worst she had ever seen.
Hello Pondlady, I checked out your site-I think it's great! Take a look at mine if you get the chance. I'm always looking for quality feedback. I have three outdoor fountains so far-a pond may be in the works...(If I can find any usable unplanted square footage left!)
Hello again. My signature file doesn't appear to be working. And to avoid self promotion rules-Click on the web site button on the bottom row of my post or check out my profile-it should be there. Thanks! John
I went to your site. Awesome!! Love your work. Your sig seems to be working now. Mine sig is OK, so yours should be as well.