Teenager room paint scheme

Discussion in 'Choosing Colors' started by B17, Mar 13, 2007.

  1. B17

    B17 New Seed

    Mar 13, 2007
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    Hey, i'm new to this forum but i've always enjoyed interior design, well, i'm not exactly what is entailed in the name interior design, but I enjoy making rooms look nice. With that aside I have a problem at the moment. Having recently come across a few hundred dollars due to writing off my car i've decided I want to invest some money in my room. My room is fairly large for a bedroom (about 15ft x 20 ft) in the basement. It has a tiny window that gives very little light, a wall light fixture which also provides little light and a lamp. Overall the room sucks for lighting and its pretty dark in here a lot. My first step to redesigning my room is to paint the walls and get flooring. Right now my walls are dark blue on the bottom and white on top with a silver wooden trim around the middle. I feel its a bit too immature for my tastes now. Can anyone recommend a good 2 color scheme for an 18 year old male. My current thought is painting the walls a lighter grey and having the middle trim a green as well as some other green accents around the room(window frame etc.), however i'm not sure if having grey as a main color is a good idea or if it will come off as too bland or just purely ugly. I want the room to have a masculine feel to it.
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  3. Frank

    Frank GardenStew Founder Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 25, 2005
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    Galway, Ireland
    Hi B17 and welcome to GardenStew :)

    Well firstly I see you mention masculine colours so this topic should make interesting reading for you
    Masculine Paint Colors For Bachelor Pad

    As for the colours for an 18 year old male that is a trickier question to answer as it is subjective. But you do mention that your room has poor lighting so I would aim for some or all lighter colours. I'm not sure grey would be the best colour but if it was a very light shade it could work.

    Maybe a photo would help us further B17. Hope this helps.
  4. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    Hi there B17. If you can then put a mirror on the walls opposite your light sources and your window it will help to bounce light around the room. I wouldn't use grey on the walls but would go more for a very pale cream as it too will help give your room a feeling of being lighter. :-D
  5. markcutlerdesign

    markcutlerdesign New Seed

    Mar 2, 2007
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    los angeles
    Color for your room

    I think that maybe the grey could stay a little dull, even when you amp up the lighting. Try and find a shade of taupe (a warmer grey/beige) it will give you a masculine warmth but still feel brighter than just a plain grey. For the other color as an accent the options are wide open, since taupe is so neutral. Try perhaps a soft grey/blue (Farrow and Ball has a great one called skylight) or try something warmer like a straw color. Good Luck! One last thought.... maybe paint one of your walls a strong deep color to provide some drama....such as chocolate.

  6. B17

    B17 New Seed

    Mar 13, 2007
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    I'm not sure that taupe, light blue or straw are really what i'm looking for, but thanks for the help. It is really a subjective topic. My room still doesnt have flooring in it and I'm not sure what I should do. I've always wanted hardwood flooring, but apparently thats not possible for me because i'm in the basement and the hardwood flooring would be cold and get wrecked if water leaks. I'd really like it though...A lot of my furniture is just finished wood, what colors on the walls match well with wood?
  7. B17

    B17 New Seed

    Mar 13, 2007
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    I've just realized i'm sort of obsessed with having green accents (like having the border that goes around my room half way up the walls being green. Just a regular green. What would be a good color to paint the walls, something thats fairly...bland? for lack of a better expression.

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