Added another full page of pictures yesterday. Now there more to look at. Al
Fantastic blog Al!!! I'm enjoying every new entry. The more you post the more I'm riveted. How I wish I'd been allowed to have a couple of hives here but at least I can live vicariously through yours.
Thank You. I surely would bee looking into finding a place to keep bees in some area near my home if not allowed to keep them on the property. Of course we do have 3 out yards at the present time. For 7 hives in one yard the land owner gets a gallon of honey about 12 pounds value is about $32.00 here in the states. Another yard with 5 hives the land owner asked for just a pint about a pound an a half value is $5.00 US funds. The last yard has one hive and the owner gets a pint. Reason being is he has two children and we are going to place more hives there this spring. Al
Hi Al , you sure have a sweet life keeping bees has been an intention of mine for years but like lots things it gets put back til later and later. Are you only doing this 3 / 4 years ? One of my late departed friend s kept bees for years and was always trying to get me interested , alas to no avail . Your blog is very good and always informative . Maybe this is the incentive I need 8) Bugs
A couple of hive is a nice start. Cost can be a factor,as some one said recently to me. It isn't cheap. If one lived close enough to a supply house so shipping of things didn't add in I think you could get a couple of hives going for about $200.00 US funds. Al