Just a few of my most recent pics. I have grown the Agave' above from a 2-3" plant!! The bottom pic is my favorite. HAPPY SPRING!!
Very lovely, what is the white shrub in the background in the pictures. Unusual agave, I have never seen one like it. Has it ever flowered?
WOW! and WOW some more!! Gorgeous, I really love the combination of colors, that scarlet diathus is such a fantastic punch of color with the pansies and dusty miller. Thanks for sharing your lovely pictures. :-D
The shrub is an Indian Hawthorne, which is in bloom right now! In front of that is Dusty Miller, then the Pansies and Red Dianthus
I threw out some 13-13-13 about a month ago and ZOOM!! The Dianthus have really taken off!! The Dusty MIller have too.
Very beautiful plants you have there.I have never seen a white Hawthorne.I have a pink one by my walk way.I would love to have a white one to go on the other side.I will be looking for one.Thanks for sharing your pics.
Oh WOW Sherry your garden is beautiful. The plant that you call Dusty Miller we call Silver dust for some reason. Thank you so much for letting us see your photographs.
Beautiful photos Sherry! Spring has sprung at your house for sure! I love the Dianthus too...it's very eye catching.
I really love this site!! I can see why there are so many friendly members. All of you are so nice and so willing to praise other members. I find that I can't wait to see the next post. Ya'll are GREAT!!
Very beautiful plants. The pansies caught my eye as they are one of my favorites eventhough I don't have the best of luck with them.