This is a close up of the Amaryllis: Here is my daisy gone crazy and a close up of one of the flowers: I believe the name of the daisy is Becky, she sure is a prolific little lady.
I like Daisys, guess I should have some of those too. Darn and I just promised Randy that my plant buying would be put on hold for a while.
It's ok if you blame it on me Toni, I can take it. After all, if I hadn't posted these pics, you wouldn't have seen them and started wanting them.
I love that close up of the amaryllis Sharon. I have a few daisies in the garden for the first time ever. I think I have the birds to thank for them. :-D
Wonderful pictures Sharon! I'm still waiting for my first bloom here. Not too sure how much my tulips and daffodils are liking this snow...
Great pics Sharon. Love the close up. I have daisies in my back yard that take over the one spot. But they are so pretty when in bloom that I let them go.
DD does manage to take awesome pics. I've watched her and she just points and clicks. I don't understand. Thanks for the compliments all.