I posted a pic of my Clematis on my blog, it's petals had been chewed on by a bug. Netty said it looked like earwigs !! How do I get rid of them? What do they look like? Is that what has been chewing holes in the leaves of my Hollyhocks too? I try not to use chemical insecticides in my garden, I don't want to kill future butterflies,ladybugs or any other friendly little critters! Does anyone know an organic remedy? Help pleaseeeee!!
Julie, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earwig I love wikipedia, check out this article. It gives several simple and safe ways to get rid of them, with pictures so you will know what to look for.
Thank you Toni!! I have seen those little bugs and now that I know what they are I can try to get rid of them! I'm going to put out little cans of soapy water to capture them! I think I now remember Dooley saying she did this to capture them!
Oh I forgot the article did mention hollyhock as one of their favorite meals!! As well as zinna!*gulps hard*
Awww Julie I really hope you eradicate the little blighters before they do any more damage to your garden. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you do.
Hey Jubabe! I know exactly where you are coming from!! These little dudes have destroyed many of my plants. I don't think there is anything they don't like! An old man at the farmer's market told me to put some cheap vegetable oil in a butter dish and add a good amount of soy sauce. Then set it down in the flower bed. I guess they like the salt in the soy sauce and when they dive in to get it the oil suffocates them. It sure worked for us. Took me a while to find the safest spot where the cat and dog wouldn't get into it Good Luck! TTYLGF Deanna :-D
Maybe these remedies will do the trick.I have some here I know what they look like but didn't know until Dooley posted they ate the plants.
I use soy sauce, veg. oil and molasses mixed together. I put it in clear cups that I got at a yard sale, the kind that they serve salsa, etc. in resturants. It works. I keep them in flower beds all summer. Earwigs hide under rocks and wood borders so if you lift them you can find them and smush them. That's a short term remedy but it gives a certain amount of satisfaction. Dooley
Oh I hate earwigs! In my old house we had some rotted out baseboards in our guest bathroom and they get in there, but my neighbor said that you can put rubbing alcohol in a little spray bottle and get them with that. I don't know what that would do to your plants though you may have a drunk garden