even in containers. I have put the containers in my first floor patio, but somebody/something is getting there, and digging up the soil and generally making a mess. What could it be? My guess is my neighbours cat, but she says no. Could it be squirrels or birds also? Also,the sprouted marigolds are almost completely eaten up now. They are so tiny, I am wondering what could be feeding on them? And what could be done to prevent these atrocities?
It's squirrels that are doing the digging in my pots and garden Tina. What a mess they make too!!! The little devils have eaten all my sweet peas. Grrrrrrrr!!!!! :-x
Oh thats bad Eileen Find some screening a netting to put over them .I don't have squirrels that come close as I have no trees they like.
Yep, it's squirrels. That's why my post all have chicken wire covering the tops until the plant is established. Then if it still happens to larger plants I put a piece of chicken wire across the pots on either side of the plant. Plants in the ground are harder to protect from squirrels. I have been collecting wire baskets at thrift stores and put them upside down over the small plants. It keeps the squirrels at bay and also keeps me or Rambo from stepping on them.
If they are even digging out the containers, I would bet on a cat. They just love to root through fresh, loose soil.
The town near where I live is besieged by squirrels. Every pot plant is ripped up by them. Here my dogs keep them on the run.
Uh! I know mine used to! I had a brand new bag of peat all ready to lay down when the weather improved and I had made just a tiny hole in it to get a little for a potted plant and my cat just went to town on it